
We are. Get over it.

The MAIN issue here is, if the cop let the numb-nut in the red BMW get away with it, then the next guy would try and the whole thing would escalate. I think we can reasonably agree that there would be varied skill levels piloting those vehicles and inevitably, at least one driver would eat shit and ruin their vehicle

I would have one but the back seat is too small for the kid's seat to fit back there with any ease. I'll stick with my CUBE.

It may be ridiculous but at least it cost a lot of money!

The guy was total cool when I met him inside the restaurant. He said the boarder guards at the US/Canadian line were a bit suspicious...

The driver is probably lucky to have all his teeth. Act like a douche, cuffed like a common criminal. Sympathy, I have none.

Weird is fun and expensive to find parts for.


I would like to thank the Jalopnik.com for all my new background pictures.


Get medieval with what should be COTD

Bravo for a appropriate memorial for those lost in the tragedy. Hat tip to all involved.

+1 for honesty. +1 for nice S2000 (one of my favorite cars of all time) -1 for boring silver paint. YAY! still at a +1. Well played, good Sir.

Those pics make me miss my GLX GTi. I haz a sad.

Pontiac Grand Am

Where have all the cowboys gone?

There's one in my garage currently. Also, the "good shape" phrase would not apply to the paint on ours. :-/

I'm probably not the only one around here who knows, wagon > sedan. Just sayin'.

Yes, yes I do.

I saw this sweet bit of redneck ingenuity this afternoon.