
North County native here. I endured for 18 years and left as soon as I could. That was nearly 40 years ago, and I’m still traumatized. And I’m white. I go back, like you, because I have to in order to see my relatives who remain, and I’m appalled every time. It’s impossible to convey to people unfamiliar with the area

So what? Angela Bassett and Jennifer Lewis are the same age, and the latter played the former’s mother in “What’s Love....” Ann Bancroft and Dustin Hoffman were a couple of years apart when she played the cougar seducing him in “The Graduate.” Actual age has little bearing on the sorts of roles actors go for and get

And here we have a perfect illustration of the difference between a gentleman and an entitled gasbag whose acting style runs “the gamut of human emotion from a to b.” Jackson, who can only ever shout, is clearly upset that the few roles for middle-aged black men he HASN’T landed in recent years went to the far

Eschew obfuscation.

Given that Root readers in the main claim they don’t give a crap about Justine, you sure do spend a lot of time writing about her.And why can’t you at least respect the murdered woman by calling her by the name she chose to be called by? You’d do it for any victim of the police whom you do care about..

Better placed elsewhere...

We agree that Mackenzie is an asshole. On pretty much everything else, I decline to subscribe to the identity politics and gross assumptions that, as wielded for centuries, got us into the mess we’re in now.

Also, I have a feeling that our friend Mackenzie would have had the same complaint had she moved to predominantly white Park Slope and encountered the same rule-breaking ice cream truck. She may be entitled, but if she is, the entitlement she assumes is above everyone else, not just certain ethnic groups. In short,

I have to respectfully disagree with you. A name is just a name, bestowed by parents, usually. I’m sure there are plenty of well-meaning, self-aware Mackenzies in this world who have nothing to do with the vastly complicated narrative of entitlement and exploitation you foist on them, simply because they are named

Dismayingly, certain segments of the left have become the right in all but name only.

I live in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, which black people derisively now call white and which white people sheepishly call mixed (though, statistically, it remains a majority-POC area). I love the tinkling tune of the ice cream truck when I hear it in summer. But I’m a bit conflicted on this one. Every resident of a

Wait. Ice cream trucks operate only in black neighborhoods? I think you need to get out and about more.

Reaction to the news shows that John McCain is a great American and a successful politician: everyone hates him. The only comments more viciously mean-spirited than those from the self-annointed woke crowd of brats at The Root and Jezebel can be found among the simians over at FoxNews — all the same audience, really,

This has nothing to do with pain or the medical profession’s unwillingness to recognize it. It was a misdiagnosis due to the medical profession’s custom of going for the likely cause and avoiding treating least likely causes. A diagnosis of inflammation from a perceived infection is, in fact, a recognition of the

Monique destroys her own work yet again with questionable implicit judgments. Remember, this is the “journalist” who advised teen felons not to post their crimes on social media so they can avoid getting caught. Otherwise, all good.

“Make that a double, Antandra.” She nails even the hammiest lines.

Love of fried chicken is an essential element of the human condition. From the Ozarks, where I grew up, to Southeast Asia, where I lived for many years, fried chicken, in whatever local variation, was a cause for celebration, brought people together, and elicited the most poetic of expressions from the most prosaic of

And eugenics is the answer, you posit. Hmmmm. You should have been born white.

Maybe he liked her.

It’s a troll. Or a long-lost descendant of Goebbels. Or both.