
Twice is not “repeatedly.” The overwhelming majority of posts on The Root I read with admiration and sympathy. But your sophistry (“your standard”) rather proves the point of my criticism of a small slice of The Root and ends whatever dialogue may have ensued.

Don’t get me wrong. I like The Root a lot — even though I’ve been dismissed a couple of times not because I have insulted anyone or used abusive of offensive language, but because the writer found that instead of engaging, it was easier to argue the [back of hand to forehead; eyes rolled] it’s-just-so-hard-being-me

You are right: It’s substandard English, per many Root headlines, unfortunately. But as you can see from the responses you got, no one cares. The Root knows that the readers it cares about most are those who think exactly as its writers do; they’ll get it, those like-minded people sitting in the choir. The rest — the

Gotcha. And I mean: Gotcha.

Honestly, really? You equate this woman’s provocative language to everyday “micro aggression”? Like, if she had said nothing, but merely clutched her purse when the dude walked by — regardless of whether it’s possible to determine why she did it — she would have deserved the same? You know, once you cross the line

They deserve each other. I wish them both the best in their new relationship and many happy years to come.

He died doing what he loved.

What a lovely child, and what a testament to his mother. ... I’m only sorry that his message is likely to be lost on the hopeless citizens of St. Louis. As a native St. Louisan, I return regularly out of duty to my elders, most recently two weeks ago, and I am always shocked beyond belief by 1) the persistence of Jim

Yes, by all means, let’s not talk about black deaths at the hands of cops. Let’s not talk about the seeming lack of punishment for cops who kill unarmed black people. Yes, by all means, let’s not politicize the pattern of cops killing unarmed civilians, black or otherwise, and getting away with it. Yes, by all means,

You’re talking about systemic/institutional racism. We get it. You took a class or whatever. But your definition is not the sole definition.

People like Chu are why the Democratic Party — the party of the Clintons — can’t win any elections and we’re stuck with the Orange Buffoon and his Fargo-esque minions.

A mama’s cryin’

What would life sentences accomplish? The delivery of appropriate punishment.

Why is an amazing product of evolution, doing its thing, “fucked up”? You need to get outside more, interact with the non paved, nondigital environment.

Not at all. His conviction was thrown out for procedural reasons; he didn’t get to file his appeal. And “not guilty” is not the same thing as innocent; read up on that for some enlightenment. I’ll never understand the sympathy this violent sociopath engendered; he was born a bully and his violent nature was nurtured

Here’s a thought: Lose the stupid acronyms so people like me know what the hell you’re talking about, and you might help the cause by drawing in people like me who are otherwise put off by the clubby clique-ishness that acronyms convey.

“While cisgender gay men selfishly and ahistorically attempt to distance themselves from trans causes, ...”

You’re right: Overall, NYC did not vote for Trump. I’m still shocked, however, by the election map showing the number of districts in the city that went for Trump — a big chunk of Staten Island, of course, but also large swaths of Brooklyn and a few in Queens where Jews and people of Irish, Italian and Eastern

One can but only hope that in her role, Rihanna is not required to perform the moonwalk.