
Yes!!! I spent 11 years as an avionics technician in the Air Force. Asshole.

No kidding Sherlock. Gads, no sense of humor.

NOAA-19, the satellite laying on it's side was ultimately caused by the most stupid of reasons. Normally in most facilities, those mounting bolts are never removed from a satellite base. But that company was trying to save money by using one set of mounting bolts for multiple satellites. When there was not much

Has an Ebay option.

Are there any existing breeder reactors that we could ship this stuff to for treatment?

When anyone says anything is Irrefutable, its a scam. The word "Irrefutable" is NON scientific. It goes against everything that science stands for.

Waiting for CES and nothing to write about!

2010, great documentary.

It's got bugs.

Isn't this going into a lab where most likely they'll be cramped for space and there will be other equipment stacked on both sides and on top of it? They'll have to attach plaques to hold all the bio stickers as mentioned by other commenters.

You're right. I slipped.

Wow, that was fast for a bicycle.

Another reason Obamacare is a failure. Anytime the government is in your personal business, you lose. Obamacare will eventually start treating you like the IRS treat you. Oops, they are the same. We are so screwed.

Any day now, you'll get a rate increase notice. I got mine on November 5th. 20.5% increase, almost $600 for one person. Double what it ways 2 years ago.

When you don't like facts, you like to call everyone else trolls. You are the troll.

Biggest jump in premiums in 20 years just happened. Exactly 20.5% increase for me. Lets deal with facts. Before the Obamacare, 2 years ago, I paid approx. $330 per month for better coverage. Now it's almost $600 per month. FACTS!!!

How do you like that November 5th 25% increase in Health care insurance premium because of Obamacare. Sucks don't it. If you haven't gotten your notice yet, it's coming in the mail.

I remember back when we just taped a piece of white foam over the flash head. Cost zero dollars since it was included in almost all packaging.

So the universe is flat? Just kidding!