
Their's, should be there's

I love it.

Looks like Mocca was the smartest one. He/she knew something wasn't right.

Didn't fanny packs go out of style in the early to mid 90's?

Include sensors, gas cylinder, and airbag tech, and you got a good way to also protect your MacBook Pro from damage when dropped.

These are all awesome images.

Cameraman failed to stay on subject.

You can download it now. Go to the "Adult Swim" link at the bottom of the article, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the down arrow button.

I am embarrassed to say, I'd love to have something like this. Awesome job.

Please do less of those video advertisements at the start. I open up the stories in new tabs and I have to watch those crazy things on each story.

Now playing

I heard they actually did some of this stunt for real in The Dark Knight.

Lots of lens flares. Is this a JJ Abrams remake?

That was very irritating, but you have to be fair, he was sincere and polite. He probably gets a bonus for each customer he convinces to stay with Comcast.

I have one question. Way back before they collected the first ice core sample, what was the reason/justification for going to these cold places, drilling and collecting these ice cores? Did they have an objective/agenda before they asked for funding?

Listen for the BZZZZZZZZ in the background.

I just wanted to see the images.

Ask him to remake it and erase all players.

The numbers in chart, is this sales to the stores or sales to customers?

It didn't work on me.

The Whale in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy,