
You hit the nail on the head, basically the same as I was thinking. No moving parts and quality build. I've had a 17" MBP for 5 years now, no issues other than the hard drive beginning to fail, which I swapped out easily. But, not an SSD, so it was bound to go bad eventually anyway.

Now playing

Caveman, but using video for Ironman? I think this one is a better choice...

Luckily, never had a need for one at least with any computers, and the one time I needed a repair from Apple, the part they needed was back ordered 3 months, so they ended up just giving me a new laptop instead. I still had to pay the repair price, but basically I got a new 17" MacBook for $200. My old one was

So, since this thing is so locked down, anyone have any thoughts of getting AppleCare for this one? I typically avoid any type of extended warranty, but since this one isn't necessarily user friendly for upgrades or simple repairs like I've done on my 17" Mac for the last 4 years, I'm wondering if AppleCare may be a

I'm in the same boat as you. I like the new design, but having a hard time justifying the price.. although with an educational discount and then selling my 17", that helps. I wish there was an option for the same thing, but without the retina... basically a 15" Air. That's what I was really hoping for.

Even if the Macbook Pro doesn't come with a retina display, I'm most likely still getting one. It will still be an improvement over my 4+ year old pro... Plus, I'm guessing if it's an option, I won't want to pay the extra anyway.

I'm betting on free upgrade since the new Macs are supposed to drop this month... works for me either way I guess. I've been socking away cash for a while now just for this. It's time. Plus, I can still get a few bucks for my current Mac still too.

I've been holding off replacing my 4+ year old MacBook Pro, so the timing is right for me. I'm only wondering if Mountain Lion will be on the new ones.

D'oh! Missed that little tidbit, thanks. But, if the real savings is the shipping, why even bother knocking $2 off the price? Seems pretty pointless... but whatever.

Wow! $2 whole dollars off the Samsung 3D plasma? Shit, I may get 2!

If it ends up being an app, jailbreak, SBS setting, hide the icon... If not an app, then just don't use it. I'm with you, I don't use Facebook either... the last thing I want is it to be in my face. It's already annoying enough without being integrated into iOS.

I agree, plus anything with John Cleese.... goes without saying

Now playing

Time Bandits.... great flick. Mom, Dad! It's evil! Don't touch it!

Dammit... you beat me to it! Kudos to you... +1. Great minds think alike!

I would think emo kids would want damage to their nerves. Crazy little rebellions...

"TV Native American" then...

Yet, you WILL have to wait! LOL.... I feel the same way... been socking away my own personal stash to replace my older 17"....

I tell you what... the reasons for me never ever getting a Facebook account just keep adding up. Banning this couple is disgraceful.

Had this bad boy... then went to a StarTac... good times