They've paved Pikes Peak?! Fine. I'll set it on fire.
They've paved Pikes Peak?! Fine. I'll set it on fire.
They definitely just don't make 'em like they used to... do that now a days and the roof will be somewhere around your shoulders, you'll be enveloped in a cloud of puffy white airbags, your doors will unlock, hazards lights come on, and inside 30 seconds your car has alerted the local police, fire & rescuse, FEMA, and…
Haha, I hope yourself patted yourself on the back for your great success. For your next challenge, should you choose to accept it: the word for your next review shall be "animatronic."
Agreed on more pictures. I was reading the comments about the interior and looking for a photo, but there isn't one, anywhere. A smattering of a few more images in the article body would be good, with a gallery at the end.
But specific output is a fantastic measure of the efficiency of the engine itself, and numbers like that are highly impressive in this segment, even though the turbo accounts for most of it.
Alright, come clean Jason. Who did you bet that you could get "robot" into a car review four times?
The reason no one bought an E30 M3 was because they retailed for $34,000... in 1988!
The pictures seem to back up the story, in that there isn't much body damage on the side or crushing of the roof, at least on the near side.
9 for the dismount, 1 for not sticking the landing.
If you showed up looking like that at a legit MX track, they wouldn't even allow you on the track. Maybe missing eyes is cool in the hipster community, because eye patches are indeed very anti-establishment. But the rest of us with brains wear goggles. And helmets with chin bars, real MX boots, elbow guards, knee…
Thank your local EPA / government official. And remember it. As the saying goes, "First they came for the Wankels, and I did nothing. Then they came for my piston and valves. 'Drive this Prius,' they said, 'you'll be saving the planet...' as I drove past the strip mines and acid containment facilities."
But that leads right back to my initial point: "Yes - the car appeals to a highly limited number of enthusiasts who value "feel" over everything else in the world - but outside of that subset, the car simply loses too many battles."
One of the best motorsports movies of all time, and easily the best motorcycle film of all time.
Dammit, I thought California would've fallen into the ocean long before hipsters got anywhere near motocross.
Just a couple things, Desu:
Perhaps you should re-read: "While, indeed, it may be capable of putting out 500hp*, that isn't the point. The point is that it isn't going to last very long at all at those levels of output, because engines simply don't last very long at those levels of output."
This car would've been great if:
That's the dumbest way of calculating power to weight ratios I've ever seen.
I have no idea what your alphanumerical soup there means, but basic physics provide everything you need to know here. While, indeed, it may be capable of putting out 500hp*, that isn't the point. The point is that it isn't going to last very long at all at those levels of output, because engines simply don't last…