Plus, now, his pretty substantial Lotus street, F1, and Indy cars collection. I've spent hours in that museum and shot hundreds of photos; it's never enough.
Plus, now, his pretty substantial Lotus street, F1, and Indy cars collection. I've spent hours in that museum and shot hundreds of photos; it's never enough.
Same for me.
Question: How much time did you spend in the museum, and how many more hours do you wish you had?
TONIGHT on Ride Apart:
You're not really flat tracking until you're sliding and wheelying at the same time. Photo from the AMA Pro Vintage flat track race I shot at Monster Mountain two weeks ago. More here, including AMA hall of famer Dave Aldana: []
Nibby, I'd like to take this moment to thank you for your excellent contributions to my day. And this site. Both have been subsequently made better. Go forth and continue your ways.
I'd be interested in this game for one reason and one reason only: if you can creep slowly towards large mobs of protesting hippies and scrub them.
Ray's on vacation. My experience is that Jalopnik, unlike most Gawker sites, readily accepts well-reasoned and civil criticism. I have no interest in bashing anyone, and, as I note, the article isn't "bad," it just isn't great from my point of view.
Video that has been seen 1 billion times?! NINJA EDIT - DRIFTING!
They just beat him up? He got off pretty light. No sympathy here. I'm just... wait, nope, not shocked that a Prius driver caused himself to wreck while driving down a straight piece of interstate in good conditions.
Jason - Thanks for writing an interesting review of the car. Once again, I'm going to attempt to offer some constructive criticism, simply in the way of what a reader would like to see.
Come with the car. In bags labeled "Leave in car for customer to open." Maybe they offer some other clips through parts though, I dunno. Can't really imagine what else you'd use it for though.
As Algerad said, it's a multi-function clip system. That's just a plug. It's a quarter-turn insert where you can put in a sunglasses holder, garage opener, or some other kind of clip. I use the sunglasses one in my GT; it's actually quite convenient.
Looks like every other NASCAR vehicle I've ever seen. "Art truck?" LOL. No.
"the article is inane, and the fundamental question its asking is insipid. "
"up to 74 MPG*"
I agree with this saying 100% and have a "loud" pipe on my bike. The problem is that many people don't understand the difference b/t loud and obnoxious. Much (but not all, in fairness) of that is attributable to the Harley gang who think every bike should have open straight pipes. Fail. I want people NEXT to me to…
Umm, not sure what gear you're looking at. You can get white and light colors in just about any gear I know. My pants are black, but they're up against the bike so they don't matter nearly as much. Darker colors are more prevalent because they can tan the whole leather, but surface dies are very common now too. …