BtheD19, Formula J treble World Champion

"A" constitution != the US Constitution. Canada does lots of things that are unconstitutional here in the US.

It's pretty unusual for car drivers to be injured by speeding motorcycles on the interstate. Surface streets are a different thing, where you could have side and frontal impacts, but bike impacts into the rear of cars usually have no effect on the occupants at all, but (at this rate of speed) almost always kill the

Well, here in the States we have the Constitution, which prevents such things.

That kid is an idiot, obviously. He should write the Canadian police a thank you letter for saving his life. Though, given his age and record, I doubt he gets it.

Absolutely incorrect. The offenses were committed by the rider, not the machine. There's absolutely no way of identifying the rider. It could be the owner, the owner's son, or a friend. There's no way to know.

As we've heard time and again, car dealers will try any way in the world to take your money. When I bought my Mustang, the interest rate changed a full 1/3 from the negotiation w/ the salesman to when it was time to sign the actual papers with the finance guy. Of course, I called him on it immediately, something was

And the award for weirdest tease for an FR-S test drive article goes to...

Lies perpetrated by Miata owners.

My gun is bigger than yours.

I seriously just hoping that no one gets killed or kidnapped on account of Eccelstone's unbelievable greed.

If he can pull off a BRM, he should win.


To be fair, Matt, your own story obfuscates whether ACURA specifically requested such a person, or whether the advertising firm chose to make the wording as such - ie, was that Acura's specific request, or was that the firm's own interpretation of how to cast the role?

Well, the tiny little bit that the authors overlooked here is that VW was in the car business and Lamborghini was in the car business. Different markets, but otherwise pretty much everything else translates.

Interesting A&R, presumably a competitor of Motomatters, is simply reposting (with permission) David's articles.

If you don't know your OIL from your 710, then ALL OF IT.

I can guarantee it will be approximately 100% heavier than if the hybrid crap wasn't there.

Yeah... that would require an entire overhaul of the company, its philosophy, and its entire way of operating. Not to mention $$$$.

Hey, reality hits you hard, bro.

Rabble Rabble. They're hiring somebody for a part, they get to pick what they want. Isn't nearly EVERY casting call based on race, visual perception, and a myriad of other things? Would the A-Team have been the same if Mr. T was played by Bill Cosby?