BtheD19, Formula J treble World Champion

No, the article text is incorrect because there is absolutely no requirement that you have to carry I.D. If you (1) are not breaking any laws, then you cannot be detained for any reason at all; (2) if you have broken some law and are being detained, then the officer must have "reasonable suspicion" that you are here

Skip to section 12(a) for the relevant provision here, but I always encourage people to read the entire law. The basic design is simply a state-level enforcement of existing federal laws, with additional provisions to safeguard taxpayer monies from being spent on illegal immigrants. That's really the gist of it.

Fail. You can't breeze past the first phrase of the provision. "Upon any lawful stop, detention, or arrest..." The plain language of that phrase means that you must have some other reason to make the stop. This law has been challenged several times already and this provision has survived even the 11th Circuit's

"Under Alabama's immigration law, considered the toughest in the nation, everyone in Alabama must carry a valid U.S. identification card with a picture, including U.S. citizens. So, you know, just seems like another reason not to do business in Alabama if you ask me. "

For the love, read the law first. The immigration check is secondary to some other violation, and only then, must be after "reasonable suspicion" that the person is an illegal alien.

No idea where that 30% number is coming from, but he is correct that unemployment has been dropping steadily and significantly since the bill was enacted. []

He's wrong. That law was very, very carefully crafted b/c they knew it would be attacked from all these groups. They're not so stupid as to put in a blatantly unconstitutional provision. The full bill is here: []

Incorrect. The immigration ID provision is secondary; the officer first must make a lawful stop for some other violation. Even then, he can only run an immigration check if there is "reasonable suspicion" that the person is an illegal alien.

In terms of performance per dollar, there simply isn't a better car on the market than the Mustang. You've got to give credit to Ford for that. And 650hp with a full warranty... absolutely unbelievable even just a few years ago.

Come on. It's been out for 1.5 years now. This is the equivalent to a Ferrari fire joke winning COTD... a year from now. It's been done.


Ash, I hope you send Jalopnik an invoice for this incredible #COTD

Freakin awesome story. Sounds like that will easily be grand theft, which usually carries a pretty stiff penalty, especially if you've got a serious prior like forgery.

I don't think that's *that* big a deal. The appeal of this car is going to be mostly limited to enthusiasts - for basic transportation, there are a lot of other cheaper, and some even faster options out there for less money. So it's not really going to be a volume car anyway. That, and I think the FR-S will absorb

Personally, I can't wait for Ducati Corse to justify their existence by pointing out their use of LED lights.

Yes. There are a TON of inputs (Crankshaft position, RPM, front wheel speed, rear wheel speed, output shaft speed, yaw, pitch, lean angle, throttle position, speed, rate of acceleration, gear position...) and all of that info is combined to do several things. Typically motorcycle systems, at least on street bikes so

Do you have a car? If yes, buy the Haynes repair manual for it, do your own periodic maintenance, and just fix whatever breaks yourself. If you keep it long enough, that will include most basic jobs. If you don't have a car, try getting a job at any of the local oil change places. Usually you don't need any

I can't actually find anything any good on the web. I know Kevin Cameron has written some excellent pieces on TC before, but I think they were all print. Suffice it to say that they are insanely complex systems that are far more involved than cars, and each brand has implemented it slightly differently (I recall