BtheD19, Formula J treble World Champion

It's a bit of an ugly beast.

The car is in Mr. Barber's collection, on the basement floor. These are the only two shots I have of it, simply b/c the basement isn't typically open to guests.

Hmm. Well if they did, then I'd have to agree with you. As awesome as LeMans is, if you're including the Olympics as a single event, then there's no comparison. I don't think you could remotely put anything on top of it. However, I'd say to them that the Olympics isn't really an "event" but a world festival over

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With modern cars, it'd be incredibly boring. Run over to teh car, open the door, wedge in, then go about trying to attach belts, radio comm, water hose, HANS device, THEN start the car and take off. Not to mention it's insanely dangerous with cars.

While I agree with your point generally, it's hard to say that the Olympics are really a single event. More like a two week festival of a tremendous number of events. Whereas, LeMans is a one place, one event thing.

And why's that?

Parking in downtown Opelika, AL:

I bet he won't forget to shove that wheel on tight and check that it locked next time. All it takes is once!

It certainly doesn't have an attractive shape, so hopefully it works well.

The wha... ?

1970 Chevelle LS6. Enough power to blow her mind and plenty enough room on those giant bench seats. Plus a convenient metaphor when you explain that the flap on the cowl flips open front the engine sucking...

One of my friends at the track has a ContourHD and I have a GoProHD. His, literally all you hear is wind noise over about 20mph. Mine, while not high quality sound, still gives you totally the sound of the bike at all speeds and 0 wind noise. It's better than static whistling.

Ah well same difference. The Contours are certainly more ergnomic in some situations. For my use (motocross), they just aren't quite as tough and the sound is awful with any wind.

That is so cool. Stuff like this is why GoPros are amazing.

He's alive!

Exactly my point. I'm pretty sure a road course in an Oklahoma pasture could be more interesting.

You know they held GPs for several years after than incident, right? And the only reason F1 left is because Mr. George decided he didn't want to pay the fee any more? Which, I grant, F1's fee is insane, but obviously there are plenty of people willing, even in the US (Texas, Jersey). That's literally the only

Shouldn't you blame Michelin for making shitty tires? I'm not aware of any problems arising from the cars... not that Formula One makes them anyway, unlike NASCAR and IRL.

Now you're over the line. At least China has identifiable turns, and one that's even almost famously challenging - the last turn, aka, Petrov.

It was only 1 turn and a straight. Not worth it; even China's way better.