Technically, it would be Getrag that outsourced the production, as its their transmission.
Technically, it would be Getrag that outsourced the production, as its their transmission.
See SerialThriller's comment. I doubt Chevy is losing money on the Camaro, so we can presume the trannies are about the same cost.
The transmission seems to be defendable. The actual failure rate was extremely low - less than 1% - which, to me, is about what you'd expect in a first-year part. Ford took action and implemented a bunch of changes, such that I've not seen any failures in 2012 cars, and I did look since I bought one.
That would be true on an IRS car, but not live axle. You're correct that it's not a huge difference, and given that every failure I've seen has been at the middle of the shaft, I doubt it's related at all.
If by "devil" you mean the EPA, then I accept this response. They had to do that to get around the fuel mileage and (possibly) noise tests. The stupidest thing is, it forces the 1-4 shift usually in left turns or tight traffic, the absolute worst places for that to happen. At least Ford made it really easy to…
Given the discussion here, it sounds like cost wasn't the issue. Given the ratio differences, I'd have to assume it was performance-related. One would assume Ford didn't intentionally sabotage the trans. First-year parts often have a bit of teething and it sounds like the trans had some of that, but again, looking…
Haha, inverse here. We have 3 Walmarts and no Whole Foods. There are a couple grocery stores (Publix, Winn-Dixie), but their prices are tremendously higher and in most cases their selection is actually poorer... I typically find better produce at Walmart. I can only figure that they move so much more volume that…
I own a 2012 GT as well. 6spd, Brembo Package. I traded my BMW for it. So stick with me here...
Like I said, expensive. 22% more than at Walmart: [] That's why it's always beige Lexuses and not Toyotas - it's for people who don't mind paying more for the same thing. :)
... sorry. What? I fell asleep after the picture. Oh. Whole Foods. That place is expensive. All I ever see in the parking lot are beige Lexuses.
Ownership cost of a well-used (by age, mileage, or a combination of both) Porsche 911 vs. new Mustang? LOL. And the Mustang will out-perform it handily anywhere with the possible exception of the Nurburgring... but most of us live in the States, so...
I'm not sure. If that's the case, then cost could be eliminated as the reason and driving experience and/or ratios would be the answer. If you ignore the tiny percentage of internet apocalypse prophets, the MT82 has actually received great reviews, and in my experience it's the best trans I've ever driven in 15…
I mean the MT82 is sufficient for its application. In fact, having driven a T56 Camaro and now owning an MT82, I can say it's quite superior. It very well may not be able to handle the power the T56 could, but that's my point - intended application. If you want to build a race car, put a race transmission in it. …
If you're bending the shift forks, that's an operator problem because you're loading the gear before it's fully engaged. That's a big no-no in any H-pattern synchro car (which is all manually-shifted street cars).
Technically, you'd want clutch engaged so that the input shaft is spinning... thus warming the oil.
Congratulations, you've managed to access the internet. It's not my job to teach you what's on it.
PSA: Quit disagreeing with everyone's comments if you don't know anything about the mechanics of transmissions. Thanks.