BtheD19, Formula J treble World Champion

Depends. If you wanted the Past to envision a horrible future dystopia...

This looks like an incredibly fun way to die (minus those rims) for about $3,000. $12,000? Pass the pipe.

We have a few RUFs. No Porsches, technically, which is really no loss b/c GT5's mid/rear engine physics model makes them impossible to control anyway.

Join us and find out, then!

Please do. We're not quite iRacing, but I'll guarantee you'll laugh more with us.

Well I, for one, am glad you guys had the balls to call them out on an obvious headline-baiting article designed just to generate pageviews. The day Jalopnik starts doing that, I'm out of here.

I'd be fine with this. So long as they also ban Nav systems, books, newspapers, magazines, iPads, Nooks, Kindles, laptops, food, drinks, makeup, nail clippers, roadhead, babies, kids, tiredness, day dreaming, angry wives, hot women, dogs, cats, and low-flying waterfowl.

Steve McQueen, aka Frank Bullitt, sold more Mustangs than any hired gun ever did. Hell, Ford still name(d)(s) one of its 3,458 Mustang variants after the movie - over 40 years later.

I concur with your ethos entirely. This is why I love motocross so much. The people who ask "How fast does it go," they're missing the point entirely. I've got a street bike that'll do something like 160mph. I've never done that because I prefer to a) live and b) not do so behind bars. It's an amazing machine.


Ban them all to a hell of a thousand fart cans buzzing in their ears.

As of 10am EST, 140 people should be permanently blocked from this site.

And the Ferrari driver caps it off with a ricer flyby FTL.

No one even remembers what the front of these looks like... but everyone knows the finned Cadillacs.

No mention of one of the most important gas mileage factors? Check your tire pressures, people. Generally about 35psi, but the label on your door sill will give the specific measurements for your car. If they're off by even a few PSI, it can have a tremendous affect on rolling resistance, and therefore, gas mileage.

I hope Grand-Am is giving the marshals an extra bit of fire training...

Horrible crash, etc etc, but wow, the brakes on that crane truck were mega impressive! That thing has got to weigh at least 20,000lbs, and he was moving at a pretty good clip, yet stopped just out of camera shot (you can see the brake lights reflecting in the shop window). I'm impressed. Driver clearly wasn't

Sub-$30k 412hp, that's why. And they already got pretty impressive mileage w/ the variable cams.