BtheD19, Formula J treble World Champion

Were they really mosquitoes? Or were they... BEES?!

Except it's not really on the drawing board any more.


I once got my 115hp '95 Mazda 626 4cyl up to 100mph on a dead straight, empty country road. It was way scarier than this.

Tasteful? Depends on your frame of reference I guess.

Wait, that's an electric Ferrari, and it's not on fire? Enzo, there's a General on the phone for you...

Cool video, but it does nothing to give you the experience of seeing this thing in person. It's absolutely insane - the name fits. Barber has one at the Vintage Festival each fall. They are to this day some of the coolest motorcycle photos I've ever taken.

Yes, no new technological breakthroughs. Carrying liquids in the frame has been around since the 1950s (you may have heard of The Vincent; if you haven't, you don't know bikes). Using the frame for fuel wasn't widely adopted b/c fuel requires far more capacity than is necessary for making the frame sufficiently

Erik Buell created a company that did some interesting things. Some of them were better - his mass-centric design and underslung center exhaust has been adopted by nearly everyone. A very, very impressive feat. Some were just different - the wheel-mounted front brake.

Actually yes, colloquially anyway. It's most often used in fairytales and children's stories, or just as a generic dog name. Sort of like "average Joe" refers to any man.

The Batmobile has definitely got to be in the running. Look, it's even got a protruding shaft.

BSB 2012 calendar covergirl.

I'm sorry sir, you've maxed out your daily limit on puns in that one comment.

That is absolutely awesome. I think I'll be able to identify the car...

Well inn theory that soonds allright, butt mae bee the electrocution cold've ben beater.

Cool story, Orosz. Where is Murray today?

I don't usually comment on COTD, but when I do, they're incredible. This is perfection in concept, content, and execution. Well done!

Now playing

I'm not angry. I'm annoyed. Intelligent commentary fosters conversation. Comments which are entirely unresponsive to the OP, as both of yours were, are a waste of everyone's time. Next time, take a moment to actually read the post; then you can write a response that makes sense.