That blue is way too dark. And technically, white with blue stripes is the "more correct" version. Done right, it's very clean.
That blue is way too dark. And technically, white with blue stripes is the "more correct" version. Done right, it's very clean.
Link fail and Nibbles won't allow me to edit. [] or copy this, add the (http) and remove the spaces... damn Gawker nternational_au to_racing_colors
Wait, what was that? []
Awesome car, excellent rolling pan... atrociously bad background. Unless mundane and visually-cluttered industrial centers are your thing.
Fine. It's funny and true. Well-played, Mr. Ash... once again.
And all Soichiro's people said: Amen.
Ah but it's not like any of them will actually *own* it anyway. Thus, the trailer.
What I'm going on about is that the scooter will handily outperform the car Integra, red "R" or not. I'm not sure how a test comparing an Integra to a Mustang is relevant to disputing that point. The point is the embarrassment of being outperformed by a scooter... which, based on the numbers posted, would be drivers…
Really the handling department is usually where the cars take the edge over bikes, at least until it gets very tight and twisty. But otherwise, the greater available contact patch and ability to slide the tires with much less consequence usually leads to higher apex speeds. It's the ins and outs of the corners, and…
I like the looks. But honestly the VTEC system was a pretty bad decision. It added loads of unnecessary weight and complexity with no real benefit. And certainly for sport riding, as you note, it's a major downside. No me gusta. 4th gen for me.
The name isn't what the Honda ricer crowd should be upset about. Rather, they should be embarrassed that an overly-plump multi-platform scooter handily outperforms their "performance" cars.
That's pre-VTEC. You've chosen well, my son.
Dude, the 5 second VW belt change... that is legendary. Even more impressive, the mechanic apparently learned and perfected this trick with all his fingers intact.
Ask Harvey Updyke how well that works out.
Rubric for identifying true Italian cars:
Peter, it's a good think you didn't go with a female or pseudo-female pseudonym when you started writing here. You'd need a machine gun to fight off the suitors.