God Hand BrynnFlynn

True. I think ponies win though just because of the sheer area of body that must be then recleaned.

There are two requirements for an open world game to be able to impart a 'positive' difficulty challenge to me.

-What's the reasoning for not bringing a game to the US that's already been localized for an English-speaking market like England?

Yup. And it'll suck. But Sony seems to be constitutionally unable to adjust to the modern market, its expectations, and its needs.

I'm not an epileptic, and I felt like I was going to die after .5 seconds. Never hit Command + W so fast in my life.

Want so badly. Unfortunately, due to impending house purchasing, I cannot get it or the bundle. I shall simply have to hold out hope for Christmas for epic ass whooping.

It was really hard to finish ME3. I'm one of those pesky haters, and when I accidentally spoiled part of the ending I almost couldn't finish the game, on the off chance it was the true ending.

Definitely some kind of squishy toy. When they break they can collapse like that, and if he didn't actually touch it and only poked it, it has a resistance similar to Jello, but wouldn't actually 'break' like Jello would.

Or blame the furries.

Awesome! I absolutely adored Throne of the Crescent Moon, and I've been peddling it to all the fantasy-lovin' folks I know, and I'd love to hear more about these characters. :)

Is there a possibility of you returning to the world in Throne of the Crescent moon? If not as a direct sequel, then another story in that world?

There is something to be said for older cats; I've adopted every single one of mine as kittens, but this past summer my boyfriend wanted to get a cat of his own. We went to the local 'shelter in a Petsmart', and Glenn fell hard for Buddy, now known as Baron.

I was a zombie in the first ever Run For Your Lives, and it was hell on earth. I was in the very first wave, which was plagued by delays, no communication, and being rushed onto the field with very little prepping. We weren't allowed to bring anything so as not to ruin the moment, which meant no water, no snacks,

Everything everyone else has said, in addition to the fact that as an IT support professional who regularly works with elderly users, they are NOT going to be able to use Windows 8. Period. They may learn, but it will be a difficult, frustrating process that will in the end hurt my ability to guide them.

As my sensei always said, "Fake it 'till you make it."

And All I want is to watch Guardsman Bob on my TV without having to monkey around with Airplay.

"You want to make fun of my chest? Let's see how witty you are after I beat your skull in with my rivet gun. By the way, are we still on for beers at McGillicuddy's tomorrow?"

Seems legit. My two main email addresses are listed as safe, but the one that was compromised during the Gawker break-in popped up as compromised. Of course, I deleted that one as soon as I found it on the list of emails that'd been hacked, but cookies to the site.

:( It's pretty hard for me to hold back too—I've been lusting after this since I first heard of DayZ. I will not laugh as hard as I would have.

Pretty much how I feel. I'll bite as soon as it's a daily deal or community vote. And then cackle with evil glee at the poor fools who bought it at just the $7 off.