The bike we got is relatively cheap, if money's a problem, and works wonderfully. Here's a link: []
The bike we got is relatively cheap, if money's a problem, and works wonderfully. Here's a link: []
Thanks for the tips! I really need to go to Five Below and get some cheap 2-5lb dumbells; my boyfriend has 10 lb weights, but they're too heavy for the physical therapy I really should be keeping up with; my upper back is completely borked up, so it's impossible for me to do a lot of exercises unless I've been doing…
Since my boyfriend and I bought an exercise bike, I decided I'd use Xenoblades as my 'workout game'; meaning, I only play it if I'm on the bike and pedaling, and stop when I stop pedaling. It's actually a great motivator for me, which was illustrated by how things went last night when I got into a fast paced narrative…
Use calibre. Use calibre anti-drm plugins. Win.
Erm, can you prove they looked at your design and wholesale copied it? There's plenty of examples of a similar design on the Internet...
The biggest problem with cat grass is that it results in insta-nasty vomit to clean up. :( Someday I will be able to have nice things! Probably the same day I skin my boyfriend's cat for stealing something for the umpteenth time. Thanks!
See, my problem is that I have kittehs who will eat even the most foul tasting plants, like green onions or avocado plants. Are any of the plants listed safe for a little nibbling?
Not sure if sarcastic, but yes, surprisingly enough, it is!
Jamestown was a pretty cool shmup recently that does not have moe and lolitas. :)
This might be conventional wisdom, but it's nigh on impossible for me. My scalp is so oily that I have to dye it or else my scalp breaks out in horrific hairne; and that's with daily washes to keep the oil down. If you know of a miracle shampoo that would eliminate that I'd love to go to washing every other day!
Huh. I asked for it for my birthday and got it without any clue what it was about. I guess I'll have to actually play it now. Thanks!
My boyfriend printed that out and posted it on the closet door while I was taking a shower. Pretty much describes how things went this weekend, he knew better than to get between me and my FemShep.
I was laughing my ass off when that happened to me—I was so excited to finally get to punch her lights out (never did in previous games), when I missed the second trigger and POW, my kickass FemShep went down like a sack of potatoes. I was going to stick by my asswhupping when I realized I'd loaded the wrong save…
Completely. I only have one Shep, and my FemShep went goo goo for Kaidan. Horizon was really depressing for me, because having managed to avoid any and all spoilers I was super psyched to meet up with him and bring him back into my team. Cue heartbreak as he completely rejected us, unable to see past the fact that…
We call them egg-in-a-hole things spit-in-the-eyes in the great, wild reaches of New England. Much more fun to say.
There were some serious waterworks on my end last night... It was even more depressing to look at the memorial and see the names listed there grow.
Haha, yeah, I'm taking Wednesday off to get it out of my system. And I've seen all the hate (the BSN is a scurry place), and I frankly don't care. I want to see how this all ends, and I'll put up with just about anything to get that.
So, who else is hyperventilating about ME3 tomorrow? I have the added bonus of my birthday being today, so I'm about to explode with excitement over presents and ME3 the day after.
Euh euh euh ueh uh uh uh uh uh uh *passes out*
My characters are always female, as I'm generally not comfortable with the male option. I used to always use 'Alanna', after Tamora Pierce's character, but nowadays they're always named 'Brynn' with a theme appropriate last name (for example, for Skyrim my Nord asskicking maiden was named 'Brynn Sleetwind', while in…