Bruce Pearl Necklace

When are you guys going to get back to focusing on gadgets and technology instead? I’ve seen more posts about global warming than any other topic recently it seems...

Thank goodness this wasn't a Hilarious Car! That would have been catastrophic! AMIRITE!?!

I love how the city that tried to do the right thing in the first place is being punished more than the state is. Too bad Charlotte can’t catch a break with this crap.

Move along folks, nothing to see here...

Why are you in the greys?

What the absolute fuck did I just watch?

Get started on Carolina. Anxiously awaiting...

Why hello there, Greeegggggg....


No Blade Runner?

Nevermind, just clicked the link and figured it out. DOH!

Anyone know what our intrepid hero is driving?

On the 918 Spider:

I should be paid more


Brilliant kinja


Not offended at all. As a card carrying white guy, I really don't care at all. I had a crazy uncle who always used to complain about "the blacks". The context I heard it in was generally always condescending, and I just laughed it off. "Nice" popped into my head and I wrote it. Probably should have realized nobody

"A derogatory term for the blacks"

This deserves more credit!