
I guess I’m one of the mythical “undecided voters,” in that I am undecided as to whether I will vote at all. There are surely more undecided voters like me than of the other type, those civic-minded numbskulls who populate televised town halls and Frank Luntz focus groups because they are positive they will vote, but

What has Kirk managed to accomplish?

Sorry. Duckworth is awesome, but so was Mink. You can thank her for Title IX.

the first Asian-American Congresswoman

I’ve watched surgeries, both gynecologic and not, done by DaVinci.

Wait, they got Melissa McCarthy after all?

...and then Mark Warner happened and it slowly turned.

I had the same reaction when my home state of Virginia suddenly became a swing state in 2008. And now it’s not unreasonable to consider it a blue state. I never thought that would happen in my life time, let alone in eight years.

I (American here) was stupidly spoiled that she was the winner when her series started airing on PBS.

Michelle 2024.

Winston Churchill received it for his oratory.

This is only because he’s paying homage to the millions of men who have used baseball caps to hide male pattern baldness who went before him.

On the other hand, manbuns.

I think it depends. As I may have said a few times in the greys on this article, every romantic relationship on this show (except for Emily and Richard) was terrible, and I only watched it because I loved Sookie and the complicated relationship between Emily and Lorelei. I can really see Bishop and Graham playing

Your opinions are bad, and you should feel bad.

Do you think there’s a lot of artistic satisfaction in that? I know paying the mortgage is great and all, but don’t a lot of actors at least ostensibly want to do art?

But then they had to sabotage him to build up the fated Luke pairing.

I actually don’t disagree with that. I remember the first time I saw her interviewed and realized she was basically playing herself.

Christopher was the only partner Lorelei had any chemistry with. Come at me.

They never should have started focusing on romantic plots. None of the pairings ever worked.