
Is there meant to be a video or something for problem 3?

It's not really working for me... Honestly, I see the cigarettes the same size throughout the whole time :/

Maybe if he said "What IS the weather GOING TO DO for today".....

I can't help but think this is creepy....

So you can use it as a half pipe for your Tech Decks.

Man, it looked like he had no idea what he was doing - pressing the same button several times after he's already seen it doesn't do what he wants.....

As an engineer in a country that uses Metric, Fahrenheit is a pain in the a** to use when doing some things for clients in USA... But because USA makes a lot of pipelines, then a lot of measurements are already in Fahrenheit/feet/inches... But yeah takes a bit of getting used to (although I do wish USA would hurry up

Geez, I probably average 3 years for a phone... not because of the contract, but just because I break it... I don't see much point in changing phone every 18 months - unless you have the money to waste.

@Broph: Or maybe just an actual revolver out the back? STEALTH!

I don't think they would call it the "Revolver" if it didn't link to the phone in some way.... Maybe there's a touchpad/second screen on the back that swings around and closes like a book? Maybe a speaker revolves around? Dunno...

How do I scroll down the articles on the right on the main page if I'm on a laptop with no mouse? Just a trackpad (which is the case now)..

She accomplished one of two things...

When I first saw this picture, I thought it was a family... And some of the people have female facial features (like the one behind the red guy wearing the Fez), and the one between the two children... But they don't have breasts which means: