
I live in DC. There is no place on earth filled with more do-gooder white folks.

I can see the cover:

You know something, he's probably my dad's age.

YES! I haven't thought about that in ages!

Slutty Pennywise...a month and half to pull it together. Hmmm.


My mom tried to read TCITR again. She gave up and said she liked it when she was 16 but now....

I read that at a young age. Holy Damn. It's her finest.

I gave up on IJ at around 200 pages.

I have War & Peace and the first 4 books of In Search of Lost Time (I read the first 2 years ago) mocking me on my shelf.

Only his daughter. The rest choose to tolerate him.

Their trolling game is good, I concede.

That's where I am now. I was the skinny girl picked before guys in sports and I miss that. I know that my tennis game sucks largely because of my fitness, not skill.


Sham fuckin' wow.

Some periods are worse than others. I use my laptop with Netflix and they start cutting off more than they used to!! It wakes me up.


I'm on Lunesta. I had to quit Ambien years ago b/c it would keep me up! It sucks!

Your second paragraph is 100% on. Lack of sleep will kill you slowly.