But, but- religion is never an aggravator of such problems. No, no, religion is just dandy and Christianity is a religion of love! Love thy child, love thy neighbour...
This probably makes me sound like a sadsack, but this'll be the first NYE in years where I'm not going to sob alone in my kitchen while my parents are in the next room! I always cry because big milestone holidays always make me think how little progress my life has made over the year, but this year I've accomplished a…
I'll try to make this a short and sweet as possible. I stumbled upon Jezebel through I09 because I am a nerd and I do nerd shit. I'm an empathetic type of guy but I never really delved too deeply into the concept of feminism. Until I started reading articles on Jez. Of course I love the puns and snarky comments. But…
Waiting a few years for the apocalypse, and if nothing happens, throwing myself off a bridge.
Kicking things off with the question of the day, asked in the cutest possible way...
"Early morning walk" at 2:30 am. Fucking denial.
Next on Fox News: "Muslim President Barack Obama hates families and weddings, wants all weddings cancelled! Except for gay terrorist weddings! BENGHAZI!"
Yes she does because she didn't do anything that was wrong.
You arent REALLY confused, are you? Because the comment was extremely clear that he was talking about surveillance of the network as a whole, not specifically downloading child porn.
Her initial look was the same as if someone had given her a turd.
They were two separate sentences. I realize Jezebel loves to hate white people but this is all smoke, no fire. Go find a fight that matters. If someone wrote, "attractive, clean, Asian" would that be racist as well?
"Period" itself is a euphemism.
Coming from owing a restaurant/coffeeshop.. Always support your staff. It doesn't even matter if they're wrong. If they're wrong, its because you trained them wrong, and that can be fixed later. What can't be fixed is the memory of being scapegoated at work over some loser that thinks his $5 entitles him to x amount…
My best Christmas gift, was when a guy I knew, who had no close family of his own, had me stay with him. I stayed in his house until after New Years. I got to see snow, and build a snowman for the first time. He took me ice skating for the first time. He then gave me something off my bucket list, a kiss in the snow.
Still irrelevant, and not indicative of anyone's ability to fulfill such threats of physical violence.
Again, you've missed the point.
The quality or content of the film is not the issue here, and completely unimportant.
Guessing there may be differences now especially slang but it's the same language. Newts comment was not offensive to South Koreans.
Is there a substantial difference between the way North Koreans and South Koreans speak? I hate to defend Newt, but I suspect he was aware that South Korea has nothing to do with this. If someone said that an anti-American film should be aired in English, I think it would be understood that England wasn't being…