I totally read that with a german accent, thanks to you! I ain't trusting a shady condom from a VENDING MACHINE. Whaaaat? Am I the only one who finds that weird? They even had pregnancy tests! I find that super weird and I'm from Brazil (the land of the weird shit.)
Ok ok, swiss german, I'm sorry! I think I said dutch because I was thinking of "deutsch". Danke, btw.
see what I meannnnn? It sounds like yelling to me anyway. :/
HAHAHAH it was something like that. We were super disappointed and out of coins! Needless to say these machines didn't tale credit cards.
Yes, the packs didn't look like condoms whatsoever, and we didn't expect them to be selling condoms at vending machines mixed in with snacks (!), and neither of us speaks Italian nor Swiss dutch, so it was very much by mistake. It was funny though.
That's kind of cool I guess, better than those sketchy vending machines at european train stations. Last fall my husband and I came back to the states with at least 3 packs of unwanted european condoms that we bought by mistake, at random VENDING MACHINES!!!! I laugh just thinking about our despair once when we would…
literally the worst!
No, you are normal. Food and sex shouldn't mix. Sex should come first, then comes food. (I know it's usually the other way around, but who likes to have sex after eating?)
or kale. I want a tip that involves sexily rubbing kale all over my partner's body.
Exactly, if a donut fits around your dude's penis.. I can only assume that's a really large donut because there's no way a regular donut can fit around a regular penis.
One would think it would make it into fox news first.
who would want fudge anyway? it has the texture of a mix between congealed pork lard and a bar of soap. Unless we are talking about hot fudge. Hot fudge, I could bathe in.
fudge sucks, right? not good.
that would cost more than the tiny piece of free fudge you would get. hahahah
Yeah I mean, then it's a whole issue altogether. You have a good point, maybe they should try harder at actually making the plus sized clothes, things that women would like to buy. I feel like they are a missing a great opportunity actually: making cute plus sized clothes, since that seems to be an issue currently, I…
I agree, the comment session here has much much better stories.