It’s a sad state of affairs when plugging a cable into a phone is now seen as too much effort.
It’s a sad state of affairs when plugging a cable into a phone is now seen as too much effort.
Have you tried google? I love it. I switched from Pandora. The stations, the subscription and ability to upload your library make it pretty awesome.
How does that quotation go? Any man unhappy when alone with his thoughts can blame nothing but the poor quality of his company?
That’s kinda pathetic. Why do you need constant stimulation? Why not let life stimulate you?
Flossing, using the bathroom while not doing three other things simultaneously, what are you a caveman? Seriously though, this is why people are moving towards zero attention span and why they loose their shit when face w/ smallest inconveniences such as having to wait in line etc. Generations of children never needed…
...but then how can you have any pudding?
If I order a pizza and I’m not very hungry, I ask them to cut it into 4 slices so I don’t have to eat 8.
That messaging that already comes with the phone. Never understand the need for others for most people.
My issue has always been making too much pasta.
While this write-up is surely helpful, I’m pretty sure the official Apple iPhone7 manual will basically state their official stance on compatibility:
The problem with “Born in the USA” is that it’s a deeply anti-American song (basically lamenting that he’s born in this horrible place).
Ah, no. There aren’t enough minutes in the day to waste over 15 seconds intricately folding a single pair of socks - and that video was sped up. Probably more like 20-30 seconds. 7-10 pairs a week times four people in this house... forget it. I’m not spending 20 minutes just folding socks lol
Cute. But why not just iron them individually and hang then on little bitty hangars? If you're gonna go OCD, go full OCD.
I actually can't even picture how you wipe your ass while sitting. Like, I reach my hand pretty much into the toilet bowl under my balls? What if I took an enormous shit that is peaking above the water? Why would anyone risk that? I wasn't even aware sitting to wipe was a thing people did. What the actual fuck.
I wish you also had a Google Play Music playlist.
*quietly chants* Google Play Music, Google Play,Google Play Music *increasing volume* Google Play Music, Google Play Music, Google Play Music....
I only use Artisan Ginger Rubbed firewood.
It's my most used Microsoft app on Android and iOS. OneNote is next, others are not that useful for my personal needs.