
Did he just say “Opama Care”?!

I know several dogs who started taking cbd oil for arthritis, joint issues, etc and it helped them a lot. Here in Los Angeles, there are formulas specifically made for pets by veterinarians. I would also look into going your dog these homeopathic tablets, which have done wonders for my dogs’ luxating paetella/joint

That’s terrible- I’m sorry to hear that. It is interesting that the gentrification of traditionally Black neighborhoods has been met with little pushback, if not embraced. Now if only I could afford that Craftsman in West Adams...

This is happening all over LA and it trickles down. When I first moved here, Culver City was still considered a not-so-nice place to live. I could have imaged that, eventually, I might be able to afford a place there.

Major props to the bravery of Ambra Battilana Gutierrez. I can’t imagine being a 21 year-old in a foreign country and having the bravery to do what she did by wearing the wire and pursuing this case, not to mention testifying against Berlusconi before Weinstein tried to paw at her.

Not at all sexy. So fucking conventional. He DOES NOT make me feel alive in my nether regions, no way.

A-fucking-men to that!

All of Seagal’s “work” should be replaced with Will Sasso greenscreened in.

I think we can all agree that this is probably the least surprising of all of the recent revelations.

Also, this photo is my favorite:

Get thee to, where people sell all sorts of designer shopping merch. No need to actually BUY something!!!

I fucking love it. They’re totally trolling their own loyalists, and I have to give them props because they KNOW that shit will sell.

You beat me to it!

This may not be the best use of the word, but “exciting” doesn’t necessarily have to have a positive connotation. He can be excited to finally be exposing these scumbag molesters:

Uh, get your eyes checked. This post is entirely needed and justified. I may have to start watching Riverdale...

Voluspa, all the way. I never understood the fuss about candles until someone game me a gift set years ago. Natural, amazing scents that perfume the air and last forever- I love them all.

Voluspa, all the way. I never understood the fuss about candles until someone game me a gift set years ago. Natural,

That To not only make excuses, but then to promote his own “philanthropic” efforts all in the same bullshit letter? Wow. Just, wow. Bad, bad strategy- his attorneys and flacks must be shitting themselves.