
Yes. Had a huge crush on him after American Beauty and am so happy to see him back and getting great roles.

He seems like a good guy, even on AGT. As a jaded Hollywood worker bee, it's always nice to hear stories about celebs who act like decent human beings.

Totally understand your concerns- I would never do it if my dog was untrained, aggressive, or too large. I am always conscious of asking the people seated next to me if they're uncomfortable with the dog- so far, everyone has been great; I have even had people who have asked to sit next to me. As for allergies, as

This is why I fly with my dog as an "emotional support" animal. Yes, I have a bit of flight anxiety, but I do it more for the fact that this happens to animals in cargo all too often. Coincidentally, I flew United two weeks ago from the east coast back to the west coast with my dog at my feet. Airlines need to

Is it me or does she look almost the same frame-wise in the runway shots- she's really, really thin.

Bravo. I have wanted to write similar letters to prospective employers many times. Yes, she may have ruined her chances withe the Padres, but I doubt she wants to work there now after what she's been through. And the $500 job fair??? Infuriating.

Seriously! I could not stop looking at her eye makeup. LOVE IT- made me root for her, as shallow as that sounds (I'm a former makeup artist so I love an over the top smokey eye)

Yup- here in LA, you can now get it in almost every 'hip' restaurant or corner market. It's become a problem (for me)

No love for coke light? I actually prefer it to diet coke, which I used to drink by the case but now can't stand. To me, coke light (from Mexico) is way better! I do love a coke zero once in a while as well, however NOTHING beats regular mexican coke in a bottle, made with sugar.

Now playing

This is a must-watch mashup of Lochte's interviews over the years:

Perhaps. This is summer! Wear a nude shoe that lengthens!!!

I have to comment on Vanessa Marano's choice of outfit. I am not a stylist, but you would think that she or someone on her team would realize that when you "cut off" the line of your leg with a shoe- especially black- it makes you look short and stout. Coupled with that blah dress at a bad length and the ugly shoes,

Seconded. I worked with him briefly when his show was being developed- he is as he is on TV, and a pretty nice guy. A friend of mine still works on his show and likes him more than most of the producers, etc. that he works with.

Absolutely! I grew up snorkeling in Miami, and occasionally came close to nurse sharks and lemon sharks. Yes, they can bite but I think the benefit they're giving this child of appreciating nature and not being afraid of sharks greatly outweighs the risks. Being in a car is more dangerous.

Don't tell me it was Vyvance...

All you need is Adderall, scientists. Duh.