
Olympus makes great waterproof cameras until you use them underwater...

Yes, I agree with your point that I spouted out overly simplified solutions. I'm not sure a discussion forum on Gizmodo is going to be the place where one person comes up with the ultimate answer to the ultimate question. 42!

Well, to explain that point further, we've raised prices, and taxes, and pay (although not exponentially like the other expenses). Everything costs more and I understand a part of that issue because of regulatory controls, government hands in the pockets, etc. Maybe that was just me venting a little, but if the

That's one of my points. Its like we're adding more water to the quicksand thinking that'll help us get out.

Here's just one of my many thoughts on this matter. Too many people on the government payroll and too many taxes. And that's not just government employees either. If you're currently drawing some government check, whether it be welfare or unemployment dividends, then you should have to take and pass a drug test.

Haha, I read that as, "Dating sites are the new hotspot for lesbian protests".

What game is that in the photo?

Dang, they have big feet!

Dear Apple,

On a separate, yet dissimilar but parallel note, the Memphis Flea Market in Jacksonville, AR on the same day as the JAFB airshow sucked too.

@kyosen: Thus the name I coined - "RedneckBox"

Oh great. Now I've got that stupid song stuck in my head! Thanks a lot Kyle...

@KamWrex: Wow, sounds like they should all move to DC...

@vinod1978: OK, that made me laugh quite hysterically. Thank you; you win the interweb today.

I didn't know Jason Chen looked like Luke Wilson.

I'm more miffed about the proximity sensor issue!