Brick McIronHard

Jason does it again. His highest profile target yet

Now playing

The best cutscene in C&C history is still available in high quality though

The sole vendor wasn’t Lightning Fast VCR Repair was it?

I think a lot of people miss this, but adaptations aren’t necessarily for the people who played the game. They’re for the (much, much) larger audience that watches TV and movies. If they can get some of the original fans on board, cool, but they’re after people who haven’t played the game more than them.

He. Said. It. Is. Okay. To. Work. While. Infected.*

I felt the same way, but I fixed it by stopped caring. I just play whatever I want, whenever I want these days. Screw triumphs and titles. The game suddenly got so much better.

I fully capped season of the Undying but then I was so burned out that I just couldn’t continue and didn’t play at all during season of the Dawn. I’ll try to play a little for this new season but if it’s like the last one, where it’s more like a second job that you must play every day to make it. I’ll probably just

This is exactly how I feel. I had FOMO for season of undying, and though I was able to get the seals and the god rolls I wanted, the cost was burning out. I’ve got a few more triumphs to complete the Dawn seal, but I have zero desire to go back into the game right now, even with the fast approaching deadline.

I’m still waiting on The Splendiferous Zeppelin Escapades of Filliam H. Muffman.

Driver has been great in each of his episodes. The Kylo sketch is good, but “Career Day” is incredible

Is that Doom 64 cover lost art or what? I don’t remind seeing that being used anywhere in the world.

trust me, if it ever happens the headline would lead with the words “holy shit”

Damn it I saw the picture for the article and thought they announced a new Dark Forces game. Now I’m sad. 

I believe the original Dark Forces game wasn’t a jedi game, even though it was completely overwritten by the events of Rogue One

I have to really give Felix credit, he’s made me take a second look at this game, and I’ve been hooked for most of this year! I know he’s a controversial guy, but he’s really made an impact on my life, and I bet he’ll continue to do so in the future, when a racist fan of his will scream his name before shooting to

Nolans face says it all

Even assuming the more nuanced translation is the correct one (and I’m willing to give Kojima the benefit of the doubt here), this still isn’t a good look.

Part-for-whole fallacy aside, the “you just don’t understand it” excuse always reeks of pretentious horseshit. It is entirely possible for an individual or group to