Brick McIronHard

Yeah, we should all have the rights to use slurs and prejoratives against anyone we feel without any form of blacklash or accusations of being misogynistic, homophobic, racist, or anything of the sort! It definitely doesn’t dehumanize people or hurt communities, because it’s just a joke! And as we all know, jokes are

Free speech means you have the right to say it.

I was really anticipating this game, because I have an undying love for all the old Build engine games. Nonetheless, I requested and received a Steam refund as soon as this started. I’m not giving my money to bigots.

Jesus...ive been waiting the whole time to hear them one character...Ash Williams

awwww, Im sad the Ash from Evil Dead rumors didnt pan out. 

Apparently Conan O’Brien visited Kojima Productions when filming his Japan travel episode, but couldn’t use any footage in the episode due to spoilers, so I’m guessing Conan shows up in the game.

Now playing

“Woow. I remember when everyone was shouting “make the skins cheaper they’re too expensive” and now Respawn/EA are doubling down like crazy lol. No thanks.”







... whatever.

What are you? Like, a grammar Nazi or something?

I cannot put in words how exciting this is to me right now! This game has gotten so far, I’m really happy that they turned this ship around. Every big update is just a cornucopia of new options. 

American soldier here, and I’m sorry to say, but protests don’t come when they are convenient for the disaffected. They are spectacles intended to grab the attention of those not paying attention. And kneeling during the anthem?...come on. It’s a racist song designed to play on the self-serving, blind allegiances of

I'm all for spelling, punctuation, and effective sentence structure.