Your comment reminds me of something, but I think it might have been lost in translation.
Your comment reminds me of something, but I think it might have been lost in translation.
He probably hates his regular visits to Japan for these commercials, being a big movie star slumming and all. Until one day he meets an enchanting young newlywed who also feels alienated in her visit to Japan and they start an intense and almost but not quite romantic relationship until it’s time for him to go home.…
“...can we give up Red Dead Redemption 2 instead?”
Somehow it’s so much worse then I ever imagined.
God has turned their backs on us.
They’ve been doing that for 27 years at this point. If they stopped now, it’d be really weird and lead to a lot of fans being konfused.
Or he’ll show Thanos a clip from Mac and Me, Thanos will stand there wondering what the fuck he just watched, and then everybody kicks the shit outta Thanos.
I’ve heard about this effort off and on for a couple years now and I just don’t get it. The game was bad on every level from the story to the gameplay to the graphics to the level design. The house collapsed because the foundation was bad: don’t waste time building another house on the same foundation.
Mrs. White is CLEARLY the best.
I am SO GODDAMN OUTRAGED that I basically agree with most of this and don’t have a chance to write a sarcastic spittle-flecked list of all my problems with it.
Damn, that was 4 years ago?
I forgot about that “leak”. It’s especially true because they aren’t (at least currently) doing a Metal Gear Collection (which would go to Switch and current Gen consoles) which would be a boon for anyone, especially Switch owners since Nintendo never got access to the original version of games let alone most of the…
Probotector 4 life!
I feel the same. Plus, the arcade versions of Contra and Super C have been available in Xbox Live arcade for more than a decade.
Would it kill Konami to start remaking Silent Hill titles a la Resident Evil?
Mads’ delivery of “Maybe. Who am I to judge?” is one of my favorites in the MCU.
Probably the weakest entry in Phase 3, which is saying something. I enjoyed this film despite it suffering some Origins story syndrome. It does repeat a lot of Stark’s origins but when it diverges, it does so in a spectacular way.