Brick McIronHard

There needs to be a weekly comparison of what republicans were outraged about Obama over 8 years ago compared to what they’re excusing Trump for currently.

I feel you. I feel the same way, the best part of Burnout was being rewarded with playing aggressive and pushing people into cars and walls.

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All you really need to know is Eurovision gave us this:

Cause it HAD to be done

It’s fan art. Chill.

But the artist made Barret white.

I think Tifa is actually hotter.

I’d happily play a Star Wars Uncharted, though I am admittedly hoping that Amy Hennig’s game does something more than just that. I’d love, say, a Horizon-style, heavily story driven open-world semi-RPG.

You’ve never seen Archer? Is this some kind of April’s Fools joke?

You’ve never seen Archer? Is this some kind of April’s Fools joke?

pssssst it’s a joke

That sexy background music... the corn rotisserie, that sweet sweet butter brush.... I’m so hor...hungry. I’m hungry.

20th anniversary edition theme user here.

You’re sad they took the time out to do something they (apparently) enjoyed doing?

Two questions. Is this okay to pre order? And will you be delaying this as well?


Having worked at Gamestop for a short time, I am in no way surprised by any of this. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll never shop there again.

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I think we can all agree this was definitely a moment that was missing, and at the same time, laugh at how incredibly enthusiastic this crowd was about features that they’d already had for years. (For anyone who wasn’t in the loop, that’s how bad the Xbone was looking at the time.)

Somehow my life feels more complete after I watched that Playstation 299$ presentation (how come I’ve never seen this before?!)