Brick McIronHard

Agreed. There was one person seriously trying to argue that EA was just as bad as Comcast or Time Warner since they were both 'entertainment'. It's like some people have no concerns beyond gaming.

I'm calling it now. Time Warner Cable, worst company in America 2014. EA, this doesn't give you a free pass. You were still on the list. We're watching you.

Honestly I agree with this. EA is terrible, but after having worked at Walmart for the past 3 years and knowing what they do behind the scenes? Yeah I do believe they are worse than EA by a long shot.

Good. It's stupid to even have a company who sells video games — products that you can easily avoid purchasing and are nowhere near necessary in anybody's daily lives — in the same list of financial, telecommunication and vital service companies that, due to shady and immoral business practices that actually affect

Man, I miss Snake's MGS1 look, I'd love to see an MGS1 remake with FOX engine. An a faithful remake too, with the original cutscenes' direction, none of that Twin Snakes Matrix crap pls.

Way ahead of you.

Yeah because I should trust you, Ganon. Nice Try.

This is what I've been searching for my whole life. Thank you.

I did not read about any of the deals. I simply want to say thanks for all you do to bring us the goods

Yeah, they only go in the Native American stuff a little bit but it's handled in a relatively naturalistic way. He's not Mr. Native American; it's just a part of who he is.

Definitely with you on that. PS Plus has constantly given me something to play through.

Yay for the main character being a person of colour, I think the last Native American protagonist in a AAA game was the lead in Prey. I'm surprised they didn't use the story of the two wolves in this game, as it would have fit in so perfectly with the theme of duality.

If you're a PS4 owner that doesn't like inFAMOUS, then I just simply have nothing to say to you.

There is always that guy who states that the so and so platform doesn't have any game. Haven't had a drought personally since launch but I play a wide variety of games.

I appreciate the fact that you didn't reveal the last two powers and kept the review spoiler free. Thanks Evan.