Brick McIronHard

Contra for the NES is my all-time favorite game. It moves perfectly, is so fast paced, has an absolutely killer soundtrack, and is just the right amount of challenge. It’s great with friends since everybody messes the other one up and then steal lives from each other.


To each their own, but the lunacy and sometimes-shocking prescience of Kojima’s storytelling (convoluted though it may be) has always been a fun roller-coaster ride to me. The gameplay is a bonus, in my book.

I’m so on board with this insanity. That cast, too, adding Mads Mikkelsen is just good taste for any project.

“International House of People, huh? How is it?”


One of my all-time favorite gaming experiences, glad any PC gamers who missed it have a chance to play it :)

That looks pretty great! The machine learning enhancements to games have been really cool to see. Definitely going to download this and cross fingers for a similar FFVIII mod down the line :)


I mean, that’s fair and Rogue was decent, but it’s still a last gen game (remastered or no) that felt way more more AC than Pirate to me.

I get that the raid will be worse with random matchmade players, but by not giving the option they’ve guaranteed that far fewer people will even attempt it. It also gives off that familiar, frustrating old-Destiny mantra of “YOU NEED TO PLAY THE GAME EXACTLY THE WAY WE WANT YOU TO PLAY”.

Sigh... all I wanted was a follow-up (sequel or spiritual successor) to AC: Black Flag: A single-player pirate adventure game with a fun story, exploration by sea and land, and that great ship-to-ship combat. When they announced this game as just a ship-to-ship fighter I was very disappointed, and judging from its

Valve, can’t you put all our differences aside and just make Portal 3? For Science... you monsters?


The... overwhelmingly POSITIVE comments on the actual YouTube video for this are very, very troubling to me. Did they just watch the same thing that I did?

I really want more games set in the Pacific Northwest. We got Infamous Second Son in Seattle and this in Oregon this gen, that’s all I can think of. I think someone’s working on a massive Fallout mod taking place in the region, but it’s such a great, scenic setting for AAA games (natural or city) that I don’t think

CSI... Westeros...?