
The whole doesnt work because a) it is trying too hard to be hip and b) their product does not appeal to the demographic. Honda makes boring cars that appeal mainly to people in their 40's, who first bought a car when the competition made crappy cars. Now the compact and mid sized market is packed with good cars, the

Stacy, he's not a guy. He's a little prick!

ISIS get its first Mi-28 'Havoc' attack copter in 3, 2, 1, ...

Did you make millions arming both sides in a bitter ethnic conflict? Or maybe your father ran off with the loot leaving people to starve after the fall of communism? Then Bob Forstner has the car for you.

My guess is the seller had one too many PBRs when trying to do his impression of being a mechanic. I can tell from the hipsters in my own area that you should NEVER trust a hipster to be accurate about the mechanical condition of a car. Not out of malice, they're just typically ignorant about how to maintain a car BUT

Garak was more about circumstance. His actions were almost always self-serving.


Yo, those Stone Fox Brides dresses are amazing. I have never heard of this.

This blurb ignores the reasons WHY the banks were doing derivative trading. Back in the 1990s, the US government was engaged in a two-party, two-fisted sucker-punch on the financial industry. Big insurance companies (primarily AIG) wanted to engage in this kind of trading, but a law (Glass-Steagall) set up after the