Until they bring the RS6 over..........Audi can just go eat my ass with a spoon.
Until they bring the RS6 over..........Audi can just go eat my ass with a spoon.
Punching someone in the face, stabbing someone and shooting an AK at someone's face are all NOT the same...........
You must have a few unresolved issues of your own since you bring them up before making any other argument debunking what I said.
Your personal reproductive freedom is more important than the bigger issues at hand of subjugating people who simply want the freedom to speak out against oppression and look for something better than their miserable lives, as a matter of their existence?.........
Went for this stuff after my first and only use of Proactiv almost 10 years ago. Never looked back since.
I take it you ultimately lost to a suit-wearing douchebag who just happened to know the full MSRP of every item on the show right?
Season 7 has sucked balls (save for LL's wedding and Jenna's bachelorette party) Not surprised they would rely heavily on the cameos this season.
This young woman........is a true feminist and an example of true courage, standing up for your rights against all odds stacked against you.
My ideal LB corps would consist of LT, Ray Lewis, Butkus and Romanowski.
Looks like Subaru is trying to be upmarket, like Ferrari and Fisker.
Imma let you finish but Veyron vs. Airplane is still my fav of all time.
Haters Gonna Hate.
"We bring good things to life, and bad things to Chinese rivers"
If it aint broke, dont fix it.
I want two good sketches a week, a promise to hate the new cast member and no more making fun of me when I misuse dated cultural references, okay?
She showed them who was the sluttiest.
It has plenty to do about someone trying to rap and failing miserably at it like she does.
Make sure they dont steal your Gran Torino.
That's because Mos Def is an actual rapper. Who also happens to be one of the best out there (esp. freestyle rappers)
Again, going back to my point.