
If this car was RWD I would seriously consider putting down a deposit if deliveries actually started.

Whoa that’s some pretty crazy toe angle.

I think a lot of people are getting trolled...

They’re all opinions so they’re all right. I’ve never driven one and as much as I want to form an opinion based on how much I like the car in Forza it’s just not going to matter until I drive the car.

Chevrolet’s copper cooled engine. Charles Kettering was a visionary but his 1920s Chevy engine was the worst possible failure. Tons of R&D time was spent developing an air cooled engine with copper fins. The motor went into production and was sold but almost immediately recalled when most of the cars overheated within

This is no different from Honda still putting i-VTEC stickers on their cars, BMW having i at the end of every one of their model names, or even Nike advertising Air cushions in their sneakers.

There was this time.

Nobody in Portland actually likes Voodoo donuts.

You can buy a Manual Civic in the United States as well. They’re actually somewhat common.

While there was a cool first gen Neon ACR, the second gen SRT-4 ACR was a track monster. Same idea as the old car but with the new ridiculous power motors. They were SCCA monsters.

Drag and Mass are two entirely different principals, the pressure on a vehicle from drag rises exponentially with speed. It's like when supercar manufacturers say their cars could drive upside down in a tunnel. The car has to move fast enough to provide enough downforce(er, lift in this case) to push the car down(uhm,

Nah you're doing it wrong. Turn the wheel inside and use a quarter to unscrew the plastic panel. From there you can reach high beams, turning lights, turn signals, and headlights. You can get to the halos from above by unscrewing a plastic panel. Xenons are a little more tricky but you could do them if you research

TIL Jalops hate every auto design ever.

I'll see spotted threads on forums where people post pictures of a Tesla Model S and say they've never seen one before but I see them all the time here in Portland. The green image makes them a big selling point in this area but I do travel a lot and see them anywhere near most large cities.

The Mustang II gets a really bad rap because when it came out every model was underpowered but once the V8 came out it wasn't so bad. It handled better than the cars it replaced and it's styling (while hasn't aged especially well) wasn't bad for the 70s. Let's not forget that Mustang II chassis is the go to platform

6.) Gold Emblems

Miata is always the answer on jalop and it's the answer here too. Fun and tight? sure. But a tight, cramped, stiff, loud car that does 65mph at 4000 RPM is the last thing you want on a road trip.

First thing that came to mind was the Buick GNX. Still awesome with the 4 speed auto but I believe the story goes that they had to give it a crap trans so it wouldn't beat the Corvette.

2.) The Corkscrew at Laguna Seca