
Maybe the shitty 91 octane they have to tune for?


Bellevue PD seems to be here answering inqueries from Jalops. They should probably be stickied.

The ridges at the bottom & roundness of the lens makes me think of a 2006+ Mitsubishi Eclipse. It looks like there’s more headlight missing to the left. Here’s some of my pictures of the lens.

Looks like its from a Honda Accord ?

As a cyclist jalop I approve this heroic effort.

This will be a tough challenge, citizen. On one robotic hand, people watched her streams because of the sex appeal she has, the main selling point of watching her streams, much like people enjoyed watching me get blown to pieces by small arms fire.

Alissa Walker is an interesting addition. I know she catches a lot of flak here for her views on driving, BUT I will absolutely concede that she is correct in her assertion that large urban centers would function more efficiently with fewer cars.

Drink every time I say “ban cars.”

I, for one, find Alissa’s articles to be insightful and thought-provoking. I may not agree with her on everything, but they do lead me to challenge my preconceptions and I think it’s great that she’s a part of the panel.

Okey dokey... Well not all Vespas. The second bike is a KYMCO, the third bike is a Chinese GY6, and the 4th picture is what happens to the 3rd picture when you spray waaayyyy too much into a bike with the timing not retarded enough. We wanted to run against larger bikes since we were having a good day, but ran out of

This is GORGEOUS. I would have never believed that a British company would take their Harley-powered three-wheeler and make it into an EV with Brass Era design cues and have it look so stunning.

I can see shades of the classic Lampredi twin cam

What voltage is it running at?

I don’t have a 3-Series. I have this.

I had the pleasure of serving with Senior Chief Byers back in 2002. A great man and great operator. Bravo Zulu!!!

If this is being aimed at ISIS(which BTW, I hope is eradicated by the time this is launched!), perhaps they should call it BACON??!!

It inspires hate and dread in equal measure and can lay waste to communities of thousands. Clearly it is Chad.

Jacobs, I want to know absolutely everything that’s happened up till now.