
Like a 4 star Thai lunch, the cold winds of long forgotten 80's memories are coming back to me. Larry and Balky, Kip and Henry, carbureted Fox-stangs and emaciated pre-goth drug dealers...

Mmm... AARP Magnet Silver.

clap clap clap clap

@Armand Bengle: That's very cool. We'll do our best to uphold French honor and the fond memories people have of the 505. I personally have fond memories of dicing with a 505 in my old Improved Touring days.

Bah! Zee Frommage Feasting Failure Fmonkeys Fear no girly Miata!

That 356 appears to have a Mopar outside rearview mirror. Can anyone identify the origin?

Finally, the tuners are listening to Thomas L Friedman. I think we can all breath a deep, relaxing sigh, and know that the Financiapocalypse is soon to end.

Hey Kaiser, what are you going to do with all that junk in your trunk?

@Maxichamp: Cool! Ask him if he remembers a kid in a roll caged Fiat Spider, or white Mr2 trying to chase him down.

@Maxichamp: I don't recall the driver's beard status. If memory serves, he looked a bit professorial.

That 600 looks familiar. Back in the late 80's, I used to see one in Oakland, by Lake Merrit, from time to time. Wonder if this is that same car?

@Tanshanomi: So you're saying something about Murilee and a tranny...

The Peujeot loves feasting on Italian. Just this past weekend we had the engine running and I swear I could hear the sound of the Lion's stomach rumbling.

@acarr260: Yeah, but they also confused by the concept of autocross itself; let alone the use of a Miata in any type of competition.

Geez, when will the "appearance racer" crowd go away? Can't these people get into someting legitimately cool like mural covered vans or Raptor pickups?

Hey cool! I'm up in Northeast Seattle. It's a pleasant place - but for the seemingly blind drivers and lack of sidewalks on the minor streets.

My polling place here in Seattle-istan is in the church right behind my house. However, I will likely drive to vote as my street is narrow and doesn't have sidewalks. The guilt infused, SUV driving libtards around here aren't very good at watching for pedestrians.

Gee, this car makes a great hatchback. Add in the fuel efficiency the ecotech is capable of and you've got a great package. Solracer reports some surprisingly good mileage figures from road trips to autocrosses (good results too).

I'd get the license plate "Z Type".

@solracer: You know, I think that Granad-earse would make an excellent LeMons Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey Support Vehicle.