This could be their into song....
This could be their into song....
Good! Because all potato salad is gross.
I’m not sure if she’ll get that ESPN/Disney money. But I think she should go to HBO or Vice.
Next week ..... Deadspin’s Favorite Mayonnaise Brands.
The “Cleveland Tourism Video” is getting kinda old, so I’ll just post this instead.
Shawn Brown - Rappin Duke
Sony had a bunch of good commercials back then.
I think this was Nintendo’s response to “Genesis does”.
Cleveland Baseball Team 2017 Paper Champs!
Sandusky’s father was convicted six years ago of sexually abusing
African-Americanboys over a 15-year span.
Poor people shouldn’t have phones because they really ain’t got shit to say at 7am in the morning.
Here’s a more in depth video Vox put out about this topic in 2015.
Really don’t understand why they left out Kevin Willmott’s name when he’s a major part of the film.
“Insert Cleveland Browns Joke”.
Fuck Wendy’s with a clown faced dildo for getting rid of their spicy chicken nuggets.
IMO, this song always gets looked over.
IMO the sub names are better for Charles and Robert ....