Have you not seen The Wire?
Have you not seen The Wire?
His players got paid.
I bet Sage Steele is in the make-up chair right now as Alex P. Keaton for ESPN’s Family Ties intro.
actually, they probably couldn’t.... http://deadspin.com/here-come-big-espn-layoffs-1793002796
ante up...
Inside their meeting room...
She’ll get her revenge at this years WrestleMania with special guest referee The Rock in her corner.
It seams that ever since Duke lost to KU earlier this season. Nick has been salty ASF.
adoption agencies.
People can bitch and moan all they want but I’m fine with new “Slave” movies and television series being made. As a matter of fact, they can come out with a Slave Network and show ______ getting beat 24/7. Because just about every single god damn year Hollywood keeps reminding us that AMERICA won WWII. Shit! I bet if…
White People Shit.
and this was the city y’all wanted to win the Super Bowl?
Has Ghost In The Shell really been whitewashed since Japanese Culture is/has been so Westernized? - Devil’s Advocate
“Some mother fuckers always trying to ice skate uphill.”
He’ll make an excellent sports blog writer.
Maybe Planned Parenthood should drop abortions (just the name) and rebrand it to something else like.... Counterbalance Hormonal Specialist.
and water is wet.