
Scared off by meat on the bone or aspic too?

Just because you are too dumb to understand it doesn't mean its dumb, it means YOU are dumb. Its a common misconception of people who think they are smart/creative/funny/witty but actually aren't. Please, spend less time at walmart.

The DUMBEST fucking thing you ever heard? White TRASH love 5lb tubs of tapioca from Walmart. You need to get out more.

Tapioca and red bean are both brilliant. Don't be so white.

I don't know if I would drop 10k on a JDM master of baters so not much chance of spending 10k on a master ace.

If you weren't such a smug idiot you would be using facts to back up your opinion instead of proving that you need to go to school since you are not educated enough to form a cohesive sentence, let alone an argument based on facts. Well done.

I long for the days of proper Darwinian culling of the population.

You're totally right, he should have been ARMED, and as soon as they threatened him with their car, he should have OPENED FIRE like any good American.

Become increasingly more interested in investing in improving your driving skills rather than turning your car into a racecar and you are both unlikely to crash and likely to reduce your chance of on-road collision as your car control and observation skills improve.

To protect his brothers? Are you delusional or do you subscribe to the stupidity that its us against them?

So what you are saying is, the LAW is the LAW unless you are a pig? LOL dude you are a joke, operating procedures are no excuse for breaking the law assaulting citizens.

Two please.

Hey I know lets give some advice based on zero life experience!

I can go under the speed limit with less than 5 cars following me and its a non issue. I can go the speed limit with 50000 cars following me and guess what, we are all doing the speed limit.

Actually... You don't. But thanks for trying anyway.

I can go as slow as I want within reason (certainly BELOW the speed limit is acceptable) anytime I want tough guy. Even if I have a train of 5+ cars following me, if I am moving at the maximum allowed speed, by law, I do not have to pull out or let you pass. I do not have to endanger myself in any way by assuming a

"Slow down..." Are you suggesting people allow themselves to be targeted? I will NOT allow a gang (other than police lol) to stop me on a highway, simple as that. Evade at the highest reasonable rate of speed to maintain momentum in the even that your vehicle must be used as a WEAPON in self defense. The brake-check

sr20vet, you agree with me. My commentary about swerving was in response to Driftin_thu_life's comment "2. No matter how fast/expensive/loud your Italian supercar is, never, never, never try to squeeze through on the inside of oncoming traffic turning into you.". He was not trying to floor it and squeeze though, he

Its only a stretch for those who watch the video as a piece of entertainment. Those of us who have poured countless hours over videos of tracking and work in film have very little difficulty seeing what cars are doing when we watch them. The lambo was going straight and did not deviate from the path till 15sec into

What the heck is wrong with you? #2 is called, MOVING TO AVOID A HEAD ON. I've personally have someone turn left on me causing the same accident. There is a brief moment to swerve before impact. Its apparent thats what happened. #3. Jealous of the Lambo owner or just stereotyping? Even if it were 5-10mph over the