Yes, that was better. It could still use some work however. Think about it and get back to me.
Yes, that was better. It could still use some work however. Think about it and get back to me.
Well, this is a comment driven web site.
Really, that's the best you can do? That really is such a juvenile response.
If you don't care what men think, why get pissed about what men say?
I'm really curious here Whyser3000, are you and the 28 some odd supporters so sensitive to any remark a man makes that you really had to respond the way you did? There was nothing in my or OhDaddy's remarks that made fun of anyone. And, you made a leap to assume what both of us consider attractive bases on a single…
Yes, all men are, by default, trolls on Jez. Fire at will.
And not a tattoo anywhere to be seen. Ah, the good ole days.
What's wrong with slut shaming? Actually, how do women define slut?
Doug, did you read the wikipedia entry on her before you posted this?
I haven't figured out why we men have to wear shorts that come down to our knees or past.
I don't particularly like this song, And I haven't like pretty much anything the music industry, from either side of the pond, has produced since the mid 90's. Basically, I think this song is just another, "I want to get into you pants" song that has been around since forever in Rock/Pop. The only difference I see in…
he's a sociopath. It's all about him.
Hi Lindy! You wrote a pretty frickin over the top piece there. I'm not Catholic, not very religious, but, damn, you sure burnt down the house. I don't agree with what this guy said. I didn't get that far into the video before I had heard enough. But, do you really think your leaps were required to get your point over?…
That would have to be the drag race in Grease.
Raccoons are cute, and generally shy of humans. But, be careful with them, they can carry rabies. And, in late summer and fall, there is less to eat. so they will eat what they can find, cat food, dog food, waste food. Like most of the women here on Jez, they are wild animals, treat them with respect.
Do you like bag pipes by chance?
Ick! No!
It's the green socks and the green ribbon around his neck, isn't it?
I didn't watch this, cause, I'm already in a poor metal state, But I have a related question, kinda.