The bench seat, and the tilt/telescopic steering wheel.
The bench seat, and the tilt/telescopic steering wheel.
pinheads, everyone of them.
I was not much of a ford guy in my younger days, but I did work in a get-ready department of a ford dealership for a while. I also worked at a dodge dealership later in parts. But, the T-bird was, considering what else was out there, was a nice car. It was a great date car. Ford really kind-of given up the young male…
Sprint cars need to go away.
"Positive body language: a smiling nod of acknowledgement or agreement, arms uncrossed, leaning forward, legs uncrossed. The latter doesn't apply to women wearing dresses or skirts."
Question: Will you shake my hand?
Sure is a lot of hullabaloo over what was a chick car.
Just schillin like a villin.
The Cheetah had a history afterwards. I had a 1/32 scale blue Cheetah slot car when I was a kid, and it had to be 67 or 68 when I got it. It was the only big slot car I had. I have no clue what happened to it.
Technically, isn't a Landau roof, as stated in the article, just the covering of the back seat portion of the roof? I'm seeing a lot of vinyl roofs in the user submitted photos, but not a lot of Landaus.
Is Jalopnik trying to gauge the robocar angst of it's readership again? Or is Jalopnik seeking a dufus meme to hang it's hat on?
Let's just do away with cars. They really kind of suck anyway.
I gave up watching tv ten years ago. I don't even watch broadcast tv. So, I've seen this picture of this dude several times, and I guess it's from a show on aliens or something. But can someone tell me what's up with this guy's hair? Is he like hoping to be cast in a Babylon 5 remake?
I'm probably going to step on some toes, but really, all this over a video game? Yeah, I'm not a gamer. But, really? There is some guy who makes a living by trashing video games? I understand it's a big market, and a lot of people make a living and tons of money of it. But really? Aren't there some bigger issues out…
I was a very WHY oriented learner in school. And algebra was especially hard as no one could tell me why algebra did what it did. It wasn't until I went to college that learning it became more of a chore of accepting it than getting the WHY answered.
Well, first, define "handshake" and then, define "room." Are their cultural factors? Is this at a Baseball club? Is that wink/pointy finger thing considered a shake? Men and women? I mean really, you people need to give your employees more assets to work with.