
Or, they’ll take a cue from the current Republican led Senate and get away with doing the absolute bare minimum for the people while handing out billions of dollars to their cronies. Although, I will hand it to you, maybe they’ll go jussssst a little bit better than absolute bare minimum and pat themselves on the back

The sad part is that Biden will win the election, and the Dems will control House and Senate, and no one will bother to do anything about the corruption of the Trump administration. No investigations, nada. And they’ll couch it as moving forward and away from divisiveness. In reality, they’ll use his destruction to

I don't think Michael was suggesting an actual third party, that's why he brought up the "tea party". They didn't leave the Republican party, they went and found people they wanted to vote for, and convinced those people to compete as Republicans. At most the tea party was estimated to be about 10-15% of white people,

There was a wise man that said: Everything Trump touches dies. If you want me to feel any sympathy, no I don’t. I do find it ironic that of all the people that were and remain in Trump’s orbit that caught this virus the one that died was black. God either has a real twisted sense of humor or the adage “all skin folk,

Thought about that actually. It’s all a matter of perception though right? We’ll never know anything about her and she was never added to the game so we’ll never know within the context of the game how she stacked up. All we have is this picture and my feeling of ‘ooh! a black lady in a Nintendo game in 1995' overrode

I dont know why but i always tought Peppy had a huge red afro on the first game

Im not sure japan (not known for its progressivism) taking a world populated entirely with animal pilots only and plopping in a black person in that world as if they are interchangeable is the progressive message you think it is. They’re literally categorizing black people as they do animals.  Correct me if there is 

The GOP knows their base are lazy, easily distracted and can be manipulated like cats following a laser pointer.

That might be the softest fistfight you'll ever see. What happens if a roll of Charmin punches a bag of marshmallows?

“new violent normal”

LOL! Here is a fun hint. A sample size of 1,000 is a normal and often used sample size in surveys and polls.

The problem with all that is coverage is completely different than 40-50 years ago thanks to social media and mobile phones. Constant video of Police inciting violence against protestors is a constant on the internet. And considering that people’s opinions on Police are at an all time low, I don’t think Trump will

You do know that Roger Stone can be tried for crimes other than the seven for which he was convicted, yes?

Mr. Stone as we say where I and a lot us “negroes” are from “Say that shit to my face.” Biggest problem bitches like him, Trump, Tucker, Hannity and others have in common is that no one has flat out beat their asses for talking shit like that. Oh to all the bitch ass pussies in the grey’s that always got some smart

I once found a person who hung themselves for at least 15 minutes and was cold without a pulse, I still attempted CPR because I’m a fucking human being and anyone trained in CPR is obligated to do so.

Vote. Vote. Vote.

Speak for yourself.

What the hell do you expect from someone named . . . Weakly?

-In the past, I have laughed, but I stopped when we dragged Pam Oliver’s hair so hard, ESPN took her off the air.
-I no longer get down with Black men dressing up as Black women and playing stereotypes and caricatures of violent, angry, and ignorant Black women.
-I’m repulsed by Black people misgendering Black woman

Are you looking for an excuse to clown an innocent Black woman?