
Thanks for reminding people of Dennis and his bromance with the murdering  scum bag Kim Jong-un.  The fact that Rodman is friends with this lunatic tells you everything you need to know about him as a person.

So I haven’t gotten to watch the series. Did they do an episode about Jordan’s 2 year suspension for gambling?

Well, Dennis has a strong constitution- his BFF in North Korea tortures and kills people, and even THAT doesn’t bother him!

The rich donors that write the checks don’t want change. They just want to remove loud mouth Trump and make the continued looting of the working class “kinder and gentler” again.

Democrats, you’re getting my vote, OK? But do you want it to be for Biden or against Trump?

Because people don’t want progress, they want a return to what they imagine as/pretend is “normal.”

“I don’t want to take the whole interview to run through them.”

You know, I hate the term alt-right. That euphemism gives them a luster of rebellious chic. It glosses the shared values of the right and of white people as a whole.

That’s an insult to real trolls. LOL!

It’s RL trolling pretty much by cowards who don’t want to catch RL heat for being racist inbred cowardly crackers. I mean shit, if you are gonna RL troll, own it all of the way. Don’t go and run away when you realize you are going to catch hell. Be -proud- that you are racist and if you get fined, or catch some hands

Sigh. OK, Mr. President. Now please give the same speech to white audiences.

No, de Blasio is endangering the lives of millions because he is afraid of NYPD and has no power to manage them, rein them in or punish them. THEY run the city.

And that they can and will be replaced at a moment’s notice. Coons also need to remember that spilling the tea -after- they’ve got done with their song and dance mean nothing. Oh people will listen and nod their head and might even offer a tissue for all of those tears, but there is no getting rid of that ringed tail.

I’m convinced these guys have Google alerts on Root posts. 

Seeing how they managed to spread the coronavirus around and get their families back home infected, those temperature checks weren't really that effective, were they?

You have no ground to stand on. Those “protesters” were no better than terrorists. Multiple participants have actively threatened violence against politicians, and have made it very clear that this was a “warning” to the governor and Michigan lawmakers. Using force and the threat of violence - implicit or explicit -

...the McMichaels reported that a 9mm pistol was stolen from Travis McMichael’s unlocked truck on January 1, CNN reports.


Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity. You don’t bring condoms if you don’t want to fuck.

Black guy shot jogging by white people in America?

Whites in power protect the white murderers.