
White folks kill me with this 1st amendment crap.

Sounds like the real problem is with the internal folks running her campaign.

In this world of cheating and hacking, why are we using sketchy third party software in our elections?

There is a lot of talk of “cover-up” and “election rigging” happening on social media, but that’s a bit far-fetched.

He’s really, really good at describing how economics ties into everything we talk about. But by the same token, that makes him bad at unwrapping how sexism and racism can simultaneously piggyback on economic considerations, but can also nevertheless have completely independent lives of their own, and are not solvable

I feel trolled...but I guess some folks were asking for another Fire Emblem pick. Right!?

1. Black people do care about policy more than race otherwise Harris and Booker would still be in the race.

You know it is possible to care about both right?

Yeah that would make a lot of sense...I’m just tired of seeing Dante in these video game crossovers. Shin Megami, MvC, PlayStation All Stars(yes that still counts). He needs a break.

“I really wish minorities were more interested in policy than diversity.”

No, the album is more than likely going to be titled R9. Rihanna stated her fans got the name stuck in her head and has referred to it as R9 on social media.

Yeah I was going to say, “making a ton of money while a lot of people spent a decade talking about how it didn’t have any cultural impact” sort of IS it’s cultural impact at this point.”

Based on the last few seconds I wonder if they’re going to play up infection that Jill get from nemesis.

Yeah I have to admit, part of the reason I loved the first KH was due to Zane’s performance.

Been playing this on and off for the last year. It’s a great game but as the authors alludes it a huge time sink.

Hilairous! Thanks for sharing

This is just a P.R. stunt for JayZ. He needs to save face after all the backlash and is using this to show he’s really in it to “help”bridge the divide .

Meh yeah I wouldn’t put much stock into them holding her back for story reason but I’m sure it’s more of a marketing move.

*Yawn* Obama sounds out of touch and a little hypocritical seeing as how much young people and social media helped him get into the White House and defend his Presidency.