
This is the best one I’ve seen this morning.

Heeeeeeere we go.

It’s missing a Denver boot accessory, though.

Went there once, with my Volvo. Nice place. Silent.

Yeah, but what’s its ‘Ring time?

I am a big fan of the series and this is a great looking car. I have always liked the polestars. I would love to see the wagons come back in this trim ..........

Really, though, I want four. Yeah, just four.

I actually like it a lot more without the Polestar blue. Looks incredible with the exposed carbon fiber. Hopefully Turn 10 will put this into Forza 6

I sure hope the enemy doesn’t still have an air force, because one strafing run would take out one of those nice straight lines.

The only response I can muster for the potential death of my favorite vehicle

Crimea was Russian for almost 200 years. It is their only warm-water port. With a history like that, Putin was very popular in Russia for reclaiming what they clearly saw as theirs. Crimea was attached to Ukraine when Ukraine was part of the USSR, sort of like moving a region in the U.S. from one state to another. So

Well, he’s the guy that admitted having no idea what he was voting on when he first got to Congress. Because he was new and distracted with family tragedy. Painful to watch him speak. I just wanted someone to come on stage, hug him, and walk him home.

proabbly closer to 2500HP ford GT fast

You ride a Hayabusa? That's cute.

I like going fast and doing stupid things, but I would not ride this.