Orange county ? Isn't that the O.C ? I always thought it was a posh neighbourhood ( yeah yeah, I based that assumption only on the show lol)
Orange county ? Isn't that the O.C ? I always thought it was a posh neighbourhood ( yeah yeah, I based that assumption only on the show lol)
@Boulayman: I guess what was meant in the topic was exclusive in Japan since the xbox 360 annoucements seem to cover only Europe and NA. I guess it's just like FF XIII.
Wasn't that announced as going multiplat a few days ago ? Or was that annoucement debunked and I missed an episode ?
@deanbmmv: Well up to the release of super mario bros wii, the japanese tradition for the year 2009 overall was actually to pick the ps3 over the wii. The last two weeks of 2009are going to be crucial btw the two to see who gets the japan console crown for 2009.
Hehe, mass effect 2 and rock band beatles together in the same sentence. Who would have thought lol ? With a little help from my friends is one of my best friends' favourite song... Been playing it sooo many times over the past few months haha
@Yonderboy: Hehe, I like the comparison :)
Quite disappointed by the trailer except for the very end of it that showed potential. It just looks.. messy #bioshock2
Why is the last guardian at a level 5 event ? Shouldn't it be at SCEJ ?
hmm. I am confused lol. Both sony tgs and level 5 threads link to Luke liveblogging. So there are two possibilities. Either there are both the same conference or Luke can be at two places at the same time. Based on what I know of Luke, I vote for option 2.
Luke Plunkett: and that's it? That's it! Thanks for stopping by!
Bashcraft needs electricity ? Too bad. Crecente doesn't need electricity. It's electricity that needs Crecente.
Just a suggestion but since you offer a pretty exhaustive list for the weekly playstation store update, couldn't you also include the new singstar songs ?
Am I the only one in the world who likes the giltter effect haha ? I have been reading pretty much only bashing about that lol
@Boulayman: Guess either the gaffer had early access to that japanese article or the japanese article credits the gaffer but well since my japanese sucks, I can't read it.