I'm embarrassed to say that in both the still and the gif I find them pretty unsettling. Heading toward terrifying, tbh.
I'm embarrassed to say that in both the still and the gif I find them pretty unsettling. Heading toward terrifying, tbh.
Yes I think they only care about the money and positive PR they can get by masquerading as a concerned organization.
I'm a complete cynic but I really believe that if the company was doing ok financially, he'd still be employed. He has been a pervy ass from the beginning. I'm not complaining that he's been fired, I just am doubtful that it wasn't primarily financially motivated.
When I saw this on Imgur 30-40 minutes, I totally knew you were going to write the article for it. TOTALLY.
Let's look at consequences. The worst thing that can happen if a caregiver talks to your child out of your earshot is that your feelings might be hurt, and you might have to talk to your kid about your moral beliefs and/or why you don't feel they should have secrets from you.
All the hospital wants is five minutes alone with your kid to talk to them about condoms and also prepare them as a blasphemous and unclean vessel of possession for the Dark and Glorious Prince Azazel, Lord of Flies and Master of the Earth, may His shadow grow to encompass all the misguided servants of the false God…
Same here in the UK. Hurray for Gillick competence.
In my estimation, this seems like a classic case of a narcissistic, controlling parent thinking of his/her child as an extension of themselves and not an autonomous human being who might have questions of her own or be in need of information or consultation on her own terms. At the age of 10 this would be ridiculous;…
Wow! We just ordered abortions for my DD at Costco. They were the cutest ones she found ( purple small cosmpolitan brand). Her first abortions we searched everywhere, I told her she could spend up to $250. the insurance limit. Her new abortions come with a case and the total was only $119. The best part we ordered…
See, that, to me, is a valid objection. "Yes, you may talk to my child without me present, but I would like there to be two of you in the room with him/her."
Actually it does. Having strangers on the internet insult your mom can't possibly be fun for the girl, but it does show her there are alternate points of view and not everybody thinks the way her mom (and quite possibly her church, school and local community) do. Sometimes just hearing outside ideas at that age is a…
unless you live here in good old NB.. or my home province of PEI. Womp womp.
My mother freaked out like that when the university I went to over the age of 18, wouldn't send her my report card.
It's shit like this that make me really happy to have my mom, who told me under no uncertain terms to let her know when I wanted to go on birth control and she'd take me to the doctor, and who got me a prescription for Plan B when I was too young to get it OTC. Seriously, how is it possible that is so overprotective…
Sounds a lot like my mother-in-law. She was always very careful about leaving her children alone with medical professionals because she physically abused the shit out of them, but fear of sex would have run a close second.
So...the government regulating the comings & goings of my adult woman ladyparts like a helicopter parent is a-ok, but when the government tries to helicopter parent* an actual child, stop the fucking presses?
I can picture my mom doing this when I was that age. Not for crazy religious reasons - she wasn't that type - but just because CONTROL. She couldn't stand the fact that sometimes I'd go to my room and shut the door because what could I be doing in there by myself???? (answer: getting the hell away from her for two…
Yup. If your worldview cannot be sustained without ignorance, there is a problem with your worldview.
Duffy would have a stroke in Canada. Teenagers can get free abortions in most provinces without parental permission. What's more, the clinics are not allowed to tell the parents without the child's permission.