
You make a great point. I think actually having contact with POCs and seeing their humanity up close can change some people's mind. Now, some jackasses will go the "wow, you're not really black/you don't act black/I don't see you as black" route, but fuck them. Side note: I went to visit a good friend in Maine, and

The only way I could possibly wrap my mind around that shit is maybe it's something passed down because we used to be killed for making eye contact with white people?

That is the realest ever. So much shit you have to let go of, because if you battle every instance, that's all you would do. And the tolerance memo! I remember I had to watch this diversity video at a job once. I was the only black person, and it was about how white people should treat each racial group. It referred

Omg, who was it? I don't even remember!

But what is gritting your teeth against YOUR oppression doing but causing a build up of anger and pain? You're doing more harm to yourself and is anybody that calls you a slur to your really going to listen to your education? There are people who CAN be educated, as evidenced on this very thread, but they rarely start

But what is gritting your teeth against YOUR oppression doing but causing a build up of anger and pain? You're doing more harm to yourself and is anybody that calls you a slur to your really going to listen to your education? There are people who CAN be educated, as evidenced on this very thread, but they rarely start

My pleasure! That's simply the point I wanted to make. I think he's awesome for doing this, but I also knew a bunch of people were going to jump on here and say "omg, why can't all of you just do this?!" And I can't. I'm a black woman. I get it from two sides. I'm not going to coddle a black man being sexist, like I

See, you think being civil to someone to that's a general asshole is the same as being civil to someone who is openly participating in my and others oppression is one and the same. To quote MLK once again, "...but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice". That is a damn problem. There are

That lady is everybody's auntie's friend.

That lady is everybody's auntie's friend.

Wait, wait, wait....I'm stuck on it creating tension in your office. What in the actual FUCK?!

That's what I got. This from his letter from Birminham Jail. I'm sorry, but he's SITTING IN JAIL for this shit, and he had to deal with white people talking about how he could have been nicer or better. This is MLK, not Malcolm X, and people STILL tone policed him, while agreeing with him. So, I stand by my statement.

It's two sides to the same coin. When you advocate for "civility", what you're saying is "I agree, but can't you be nice about it?" And I REFUSE to be nice in the face of my oppression, and tone policing people is absolute bullshit.

Yaaaaaaaas, hunny! Your comment took me to church!

Preach, sis!

Come on now, you know the only racists are south of the Mason-Dixon line. And by Mason-Dixon line, I mean the Malcom X definition, which is everything south of Canada.

I read my comment back, and it sounded snarky as fuck to me (and I live for good snark), and I didn't mean to come off like that. I apologize for that. But I WILL say that it pisses me off that people either A. pretend this doesn't happen anymore ever or B. pretend it only happens on the internet. Sure, some people

looks around

I just laughed out loud. I hate it too, but that would have been weird to see one comment, then come back and it's completely different.

No, it's not a good thing and you should just be grateful that you can live a life where you don't have to experience these kinds of the things. I'm from Boston, so I've been called a nigger to my face a couple of times. Happened to a good friend a week ago at his job, so he couldn't really do or say anything. And